Pakistan: A rogue Nation on a Highway to Hell
Author: Ibrahim Lone on Monday, December 29, 2008 - 03:09 AM
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By:Ibrahim Lone
Its common knowledge these days that Pakistan is the mother that bore the child of terrorism in its womb. However what many don’t know is that Pakistan as a nation has an expertise in lying and creating demons out of thin air. Pakistan is now on international radar these days for its sympathy for Jihadis. If the statements coming from Pakistani politicians and media , which are on a face saving spree, are observed closely one will find a strange mixture of frustration, inability to act, lies, and a combination of all these emitting from the country.
While it is a matter of time before Pakistan finds its place in the “Hall of Fame of Rogue Nations” for now Pakistan is doing what it is best at doing, lying through its teeth. Right from the time of the November 26, 2008 terrorist act, which shook the entire civilized world, to this day Pakistan has been denying that it has anything to do with terrorism. The first statements that came out of Islamabad were complete denial of the terrorists involved in the 26/11 misadventure to be Pakistani. They did this in the face of evidence that would make the worst liar succumb. However since Pakistan as a nation has achieved a Phd in the art of lying we got to hear varying statements from them which betrayed logic and common sense.
A few days after Kasab, the lone survivor amongst the Allah’s warriors, confessed that he is indeed a Pakistani National, the Government of Pakistan went into overdrive to assuage its non-existent prestige, by cordoning off the village to which the fellow Kasab belongs to. This fact was revealed by non other than the Ex-Prime Minister and now opposition leader Mr. Nawaz Shareef. Incidentally he also told the Pakistani Administration that they should own up to responsibility and help out Kasab and not detain his parents. There was also a video release by the Pakistani media in which Kasab’s parents were shown telling the tale of how their son met them last and told them that we was going for Jihad. No sooner had this statement come from Nawaz Shareef did Sherry Rehman a cabinet minister in Pakistan release the statement saying that Nawaz Sharif should abstain from making statements that could harm Pakistan. In other words she was requesting Mr. Nawaz Shareef who still had some conscience left in him to keep mum and not tell the truth. Anyway truth is far too powerful to be mellowed by lies and deceit.
Then there were statements by the now Pakistani President Mr. Asif Ali Zardari that Indian Air Force jets had penetrated into Pakistani Air Apace. Sadly this came out to be a very big hoax when Pakistan could not authenticate its claim. Then there was the visit by the Pakistani Foreign Minister who told the Indian media that Pakistan would co-operate with Indian in fighting terrorism. Indians took his statement in good faith assuming that he was really serious about what he was saying. But then again he suffers from the same disease that the Pakistani establishment has been suffering from the beginning. As soon as he went back to Pakistan he took off his sheep’s clothing and like a true wolf declared that Pakistan had already provided a lot of support in terms of helping with the investigation to India.
If this was not enough since the last week Pakistani Establishment, the politicians, army Generals, media and whoever is some body in Pakistan has been war mongering. Every day we get to hear statements like Pakistan is ready to defend its soil and integrity and what not. These statements are coming even though India has not said a word about any sort of strikes on Pakistani soil.
To add insult to India’s injury Pakistanis claimed the Blast that took place in Lahore, on December 25, 2008 was the handy work of Indian security agency and even claimed that they had caught a man by the name of Rajeev Shukla who was involved in these blasts. Pakistani media went in to a frenzy telling their nation that India was involved in blasts and the Indians should close down the terror modules operating from their soil. Sadly no pictures of this chap they claimed to be the terrorist were released by either the Pakistani establishment or the Media. No relevant details were given either. Perhaps it takes some time even to fabricate stories and some degree of intelligence too. Sadly the Pakistanis failed at this bluff, as the very next day, i.e., December 25, 2008 a Pakistani pro-Al Qaeda Jihadi group claimed responsibility for the terror strike. They also told the media channel that they would not hesitate in killing the US security forces if they did not stop striking the Militant bases in North Waziristan. So Pakistan again had to eat its hat.
This is an excellent example of calling the bluff by Pakistan. By issuing these threats Pakistan is basically trying to create an atmosphere of frenzy wherein the World releases some of its pressure on Pakistan. India has learnt it lessons well and know very well that Pakistan will never give up on the terrorists as this would reveal every known and unknown fact about the nexus between the terrorist, the Pakistan establishment namely the Army and ISI (Pakistani Intelligence Agency). This is not the first time Pakistan has been caught lying to the world, it did the same at the time of the Bangladesh Freedom Movement when millions of innocents were butchered by the Pakistan Army in the name of Islam.
Pakistan wants India to cower by trying to show its false bravado. Unfortunately for Pakistan, its staunchest ally Saudi Arabia and Iran have backtracked from supporting Pakistan on this one. Even the Chinese who are famous for their ability to hide their decisions till the last moment asked Pakistan to own up responsibility and to co-operate with India. The world is looking at Pakistan with suspicion now that everyone knows where the problem lies.
Perhaps Pakistan does not realize that a war with India is not its own favor. While India might suffer certain casualties Pakistan will perhaps cease to exist in its present form if it were to go with war with India. So Pakistan should act with prudence while it can. War will mean complete annihilation of the state of Pakistan, which is not what the Indians want. However if Pakistan has a death wish it will annihilate itself anyway.
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