MUSLIM INVASION OF INDIA (a must to read topic)
posted by Shiv Shambhu
at http://hinduunity.yuku.com/topic/1040/t/Re-Muslim-invasion-of-India.html?page=-1
Very few know that while the Muslims invaded Persia in 634, they invaded Sindh in India in 638, just a gap of four years. But while Persia succumbed in seventeen years by 651, Muslims took seven hundred years to overrun India (today Sindh is a part of a Muslim country called Pakistan that was carved out of Hindu India in 1947). And even after that they could not rule India in peace. The Hindu resistance was not just fierce, but it kept increasing in ferocity till with the Marathas, the Hindus overtook the Muslims in their ferocity. It was this lesson which the Hindus learnt from the Muslims an applied against the Muslims that led to the Hindu (Maratha) victories against the beast-like Muslims. It was the Marathas who presaged President Bush when he said We will hunt down our enemies The Marathas literally hundred down the Muslims. Foul Tactics used by the Muslims against IndiansAlthough the Arab Muslims attacked India in 638, they were repeatedly defeated by the Rajas of Makara (Makran) and Sindh. The Arab chroniclers then wrote derisive accounts of the reasons for their defeats at the hands of the Hindus by saying that the Hidus practice Voodoo and Black Magic and so bring Jinns and Shaitan to help them in war. So the Arabs cannot defeat them, the way they could easily defeat the Persians and the Byzantines. We need only to remember how the Greeks under Alexander overcame the Persian Achemanian empire in a few years, after which they attacked India and the Hindus after initially being defeated the Greeks on the river Jhelum (Vitasta Hydaspes), harassed the Greek army so much, that the Greek troops mutinied and refused to advance further into India.
How the Muslims blackmailed a guard to open the door of the fort of Debal
The Muslims too had a tough job with the Hindus. After an unsuccessful campaign of more than eighty years, the Muslims captured the Fort of Deval (Debal near modern Karachi) by deceit, by kidnapping the three children of the chief guardsman of the fort of Debal, beheading one and threatening to behead the other two. With this blackmail, they forced him to leave the door open, after they had feigned retreat. Due to this betrayal, the Muslims could finally sink their ugly claws into India under the beast-like leader Mohammed-ibn-Qasim (Mohammed bin Kasim). The Hindus never forgot this treachery. And the two princesses of the King Dahirsen (Raja Dabir) who were captured by Qasim and sent to the Khilafa (Caliph) as a gift with a message that they were royal virgins, meant to be ravished by his holiness (sic) the lecherous Caliph himself. But these princesses outsmarted the Caliph. They tore apart their hymen with their own hands and told the caliph that their modesty had already been violated by Qasim. The Caliph did not believe them, but when he saw for himself the ruptured hymens, he was convinced that Qasim had violated the modesty of the princesses and then sent them over to him. That though so enraged him that he summoned Qasim to present himself at Baghdad. With Qasim in chains, the Caliph accused him of betrayal. Although Qasim pleaded his innocence, the Caliph, asked for Qasim to be locked in a barrel with nails stuck on the inside and had him rolled down a hill. Qasim died a cruel death. And the first generation of Hindus whom this beast-like Muslim had tormented and slaughtered, received poetic justice in the death of this accursed Muslim general who vandalized Sindh.
How the Rajput Hindus trounced the Muslims for five hundred years
After the Muslim occupied Sindh, they did not rest quiet, they attacked Punjab, but were repulsed, then they attacked Rajputana, but were repulsed by Kings like raja Bhoj, and when they attacked Gujarat, they were defeated by the Chalukyas (Solankis) of Anahilwada. Thus the Muslims could not make any headway into India from their occupation of Sindh in 715, up to 980. It was only in the year 980, that the Muslims could attack India once again. But they had to use another gateway. Instead of attacking Rajasthan, Punjab and Gujarat from Sindh, they attacked the Shahiya kingdom in Upaganastan (Afghanistan literally the land of allied tribes). The attackers were not Arab Muslim, but were the Persian and Turkish converts to Islam. The first Muslim chieftain to attack the Hindu domains was name Sabuktagin. He ruled from Ghazni and had forced his way up to the domains of the Hindu Raja of Kubha (later renamed as Kabul by the citys Muslims occupiers). More coming up soon
the sources are various sites - but only 4 clans of india fought against muslim invasion in indiathey are the solankis of Gujrat (one of the native of my maternal forefathers)The rajputs of rajasthan and jatt land (haryana)my favouritethe marathas of maharashtra (wher my roots lie)and the glourious sikhs of panjab
How the Muslims used the nobility of the Hindus
The Muslims had studied Hindu warfare practices and misused the weakness of the Hindus to their hilt. Sabuktagins spies had told him that the Hindus start warfare at Sunrise and end it at sunset. The crafty Muslim chieftain decided to use this weakness of the Hindus against them. He challenged Jayapal Shahiya to pen warfare and decided the place and date of the war. True to his word the Hindu king reached the appointed place one day before the day of the war. This was in the year 980. The Muslim too had assembled at the appointed place and the two adversaries exchanged ambassadors and decided that the hostilities would commence at sunrise the next day. After the Hindus retired for the night, the Muslim were busy preparing for a night assault. While the Hindu army was in deep slumber, except for a few scouts, taking cover of the dark and stormy night, the Muslims stealthily crept towards the camp of the Hindus, after crossing the few hillocks that separated the two camps. The Muslims had muffled the sounds of their advance by covering the hooves of their horses with felt and cloth. Dressed in dark clothes the Muslim almost reached the Hindu camps at two in the morning. When they were spotted the Hindu scouts raised a hue and cry to awaken their sleeping troops. But it was too late. Before any significant number of the Hindus could arise and don their armor and be ready to fight the Muslim, a large number of them were done to death while they were half awake of struggling to prepare themselves for war. The entire Hindu army was caught unawares, but they still put up a stiff fight against their beastly adversaries. The battle continued till past dawn, but the Hindu army had been overpowered, tricked as it had been to give the advantage of surprise to the Muslims. By late morning the remnants of the Hindu army retreated back to their capital Kubha, with the Muslims in pursuit. The Muslims soon occupied Kabul and continued to push the Hindus eastwards.
The Muslims soon occupied Kabul and continued to push the Hindus eastwards. The disgraced Hindu king Raja Jayapal Shahiya decided to shift his capital to Udabandapura (modern day Und in North West Frontier Province Paktoonisthan) But he could not bear the humiliation of defeat and decided to immolate himself rather than live with the shame of having been defeated by the Muslims with treachery. Thus ended the first Hindu-Muslim encounter after the Arabs had occupied Sindh in the 8th century.
Muslims poisoned the elephants
How the Muslims poisoned the elephants of the Hindus at the Battle of Lahore to snatch victory once again with subterfuge
The Muslims seized on their victory over the Hindu army and overran the capital Kubha (which was renamed Kabul by the Muslims) who destroyed the Hindu temples there and force converted the remaining Hindu population to Islam). After the defeat of Jayapal Shahiya, his son Anandpal Shahiya, moved his capital from Kubha present day Kabul) to Luvkushpura (Lahore). He gathered all allies he could from Northern India and opposed the invading Muslims now led by Sabuktagins son Mahmud of Ghazni. The armies met on the banks of the Ravi near Lahore. In the initial skirmishes, the Muslims were worsted by the Hindus, who were determined to liberate their motherland from the schizophrenic savages which is what the Muslims were. In the initial defeats of the Muslims, the Hindus had used armored elephants. The Muslim realized that the Elephants would be their nemesis. As the Muslims came from Afghanistan, they had no access to elephants, so they decided to use subterfuge. They sent an envoy to Anandpala, saying that they are suing for peace, their conditions were that they should be allowed safe passage out of the country. As a gesture of goodwill they wanted to come over to the Hindu camp and have a common meal with the Hindus, to seal the peace treaty. The innocuous and unsuspecting Anandpala agreed going against the advice of his allies. The Muslims came for the luncheon arranged at the banks of the Ravi river where the Hindu army had encamped. While intermingling with the soldiers, the Muslims moved about in the stables of the Hindu camps and expressed surprise at how the Hindus fed their mighty elephants.
With the Hindus playing the role of the gracious hosts, indulged their guests with every query they asked. After all the Muslims were their guests and the Hindus had a quaint belief that A guest is like God (Athithi Devoh Bhava), but little did these unsuspecting Hindus realize that these Muslims guests were Satan incarnate. While the unsuspecting Hindus showed them around the stables, the Muslims secretly fed the elephants poppy seeds (opium) mixed with fruits. The poppy seeds being raw did not have immediate effect and everything seemed normal. The dastardly deed being done, the Muslim contingent left the Hindu camp and returned to their own camps. The Hindus self-satisfied that the war was over and the peace had now been sealed with a common luncheon began preparations to dismantle their camp.To their utter amazement, in the next few hours, the Muslim cavalry surrounded the Hindu camp in a pincer move and began a fierce attacks with shrieks of Allahuakbar. The confused Hindus belatedly, realized that they had been double crossed by the Muslims. But manfully they fastened the howdas (seats for the riders of the elephants like saddles for horsemen) to their elephants and charged at the besieging Muslims in a disorderly manner. The Hindus were in far a shock when their elephants refused to obey their mahouts (elephant riders) orders and started running amok and away from the battled. The opium had begun to have its effect. With Anandpala also on one of the elephants which had started running helter-skelter, the confusion grew in the remaining Hindu troops. The Muslim cunningly spread the word that Anandpala was retreating, since he knew that a twofold Muslim army had joined the existing Muslims forces. The rumor gained credence, as the Hindus saw that Anadpalas elephant had gone a considerable distance from the battle. There isolated from his main army, Anandpala was pursued by the Muslims who had kept him under watch. They surrounded him, cut down the leather strips that held his howdah on the elephant
They surrounded him, cut down the leather strips that held his howdah on the elephant, and when the howdah fell on the ground, they decapitated the unfortunate Anandpala, beheaded him, stuck his head don a spike and paraded it before the Hindu army which was already in confusion. This grisly sight further demoralized the remaining Hindu troops who had initially lost heart when they saw their leader in retreat. Now with his head on a spike, a sight which they had never seen in battles before totally unnerved them, and the Hindu retreat turned into a rout, with many of the Hindus massacred on the battlefield. The rest was easy, for the Muslims to tear down the remaining Hindu troops and turn what was on the way to becoming a Hindu victory into a Muslim one, with the use of subterfuge and betrayal of the innate faith which the Hindus had even in an unscrupulous enemy. This should have been a lesson of the Muslim mind for the Hindus. But it was not to be as, we shall see such foul tricks repeated over and over again by the Muslims in the coming centuries in their duel of death with the Hindus
Call to the Hindus-1
by satyamitra
Sunday,October 26, 2008
We Hindus has not passed a single night peacefully since the arrival of muslims invaders.We in this country are trying to forgive and forget the wounds inflicted on our society since the days of Mohammed Bin Qasim and Mahmud ghaznavi.We are trying to think of a better future for all our people.The perpetrators and defenders of countless bomb blasts in different parts of country thus killing thousand s of innocent people are opening old wounds and pouring salt on them. . . .
. . . Continued at http://hinduunity.yuku.com/topic/1040/t/Re-Muslim-invasion-of-India.html?page=-1
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