Hindus, Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
By Andrew G. Bostom
Sunday, November 30, 2008
click on American Thinker on Mumbai & Indian History
URL http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/hindus_jews_and_jihad_terror_i.html
Cross-posted at http://islamicdangerfu.blogspot.com/2008/11/jihad-in-india.html as The Jihad in India - Hindus, Jews, and Jihad Terror in Mumbai
Directed to American Thinker by Shadow Warrior
where it is posted as American Thinker on Mumbai & Indian History
"Here's an article from American Thinker."
Posted by san at 11/30/2008 04:05:00 PM
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Did the Mumbai Massacre accomplish What was intended by its Sponsors?
Captured Mumbai terrorist says massacre was a failure
cross-posted at Islamic Danger to Americans
‘I was told to kill to my last breath’: Captured terrorist’s account of Mumbai massacre reveals plan was to kill 5,000.
Last updated at 1:02 AM on 30th November 2008
from http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/2008/11/30/captured-mumbai-terrorist-says-massacre-was-a-failure/
The only terrorist captured alive after the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it – revealing he was ordered to ‘kill until the last breath’.
Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, said the attacks were meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people.
He revealed that the ten terrorists, who were highly trained in marine assault and crept into the city by boat, had planned to blow up the Taj Mahal Palace hotel after first executing British and American tourists and then taking hostages.
Mercifully, the group, armed with plastic explosives, underestimated the strength of the 105-year-old building’s solid foundations. As it is, their deadly attacks have left close to 200 confirmed dead, with the toll expected to rise to nearly 300 once the hotel has been fully searched by security forces.
He described how its mastermind briefed the group to ‘target whites, preferably Americans and British’.
Some of the terrorists, including Kasab, posed as students during a visit to Mumbai a month ago, filming the ‘strike locations’ and familiarising themselves with the city’s roads.
SOURCE: I-told-kill-breath-Captured-terrorists-account-Mumbai-massacre-reveals-plan-kill-5-000.html#
HAT TIP:sheikyermami.com
Also, no surprise, Mumbai terrorists were ‘funded by cash raised in UK mosques.’
Story here: Mumbai-terrorists-funded-cash-raised-UK-mosques.html
cross-posted at Islamic Danger to Americans
‘I was told to kill to my last breath’: Captured terrorist’s account of Mumbai massacre reveals plan was to kill 5,000.
Last updated at 1:02 AM on 30th November 2008
from http://barenakedislam.wordpress.com/2008/11/30/captured-mumbai-terrorist-says-massacre-was-a-failure/
The only terrorist captured alive after the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it – revealing he was ordered to ‘kill until the last breath’.
Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, said the attacks were meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people.
He revealed that the ten terrorists, who were highly trained in marine assault and crept into the city by boat, had planned to blow up the Taj Mahal Palace hotel after first executing British and American tourists and then taking hostages.
Mercifully, the group, armed with plastic explosives, underestimated the strength of the 105-year-old building’s solid foundations. As it is, their deadly attacks have left close to 200 confirmed dead, with the toll expected to rise to nearly 300 once the hotel has been fully searched by security forces.
He described how its mastermind briefed the group to ‘target whites, preferably Americans and British’.
Some of the terrorists, including Kasab, posed as students during a visit to Mumbai a month ago, filming the ‘strike locations’ and familiarising themselves with the city’s roads.
SOURCE: I-told-kill-breath-Captured-terrorists-account-Mumbai-massacre-reveals-plan-kill-5-000.html#
HAT TIP:sheikyermami.com
Also, no surprise, Mumbai terrorists were ‘funded by cash raised in UK mosques.’
Story here: Mumbai-terrorists-funded-cash-raised-UK-mosques.html
by Amir Taheri
Last updated: 2:47 am
November 29, 2008
Posted: 1:49 am
November 29, 2008
[NOTE: I prefer to call them "'Supposedly Indian' Moslem Jihadists" instead of "Indian thugs" which harkens back to a historical group that did not operate in the name of an ideology promoting world domination and subjugation of all who do not believe in it as does Islam. Leslie White]
THE world confronted a new face of terror this week - operating with brand new tactics and a host of goals.
Earlier this week, for example, Pakistan President Assif Ali Zardari announced his readiness to settle the dispute with India over Kashmir, promising an end to a conflict that has led to four wars and countless terrorist campaigns over the past 50 years.
On Wednesday, terror organizations that do not wish the Kashmir problem to be solved offered their opinion of such a shift, in the form of a series of coordinated attacks against sensitive targets in Bombay (Mumbai), India's business capital and the engine of its recent economic takeoff.
The message was clear: Even if Pakistan scales back its old policy of backing terrorist groups in the name of liberating the Muslims of Kashmir, radical Islamists are capable of continuing the low-intensity war that has cost India billions of dollars and thousands of lives.
The attacks in Bombay likely were carried out by Hindi-speaking, homegrown Islamists with possible links to elements within the Pakistani intelligence community who have built their careers and personal fortunes around the Kashmir issue. These elements are serving notice that they would resist Zardari's dramatic departure from a long-established policy of enmity against India.
While the attacks, which claimed more than 100 lives, may have been addressed to Zardari, their primary target was India.
India is home to nearly 200 million Muslims, making it one of the world's largest "Muslim" countries. Until recently, however, a majority of Indian Muslims have steered clear of radical politics. Apart from the issue of Kashmir, which has at times turned them against the authorities in New Delhi, most Indian Muslims have been loyal to the Indian republic, appreciating its secular and democratic nature. India is the only country that allows its Muslim minority to apply the rules of Sharia (Islamic cannon law) to a range of issues of private life.
That India may now face a homegrown Islamist terror movement operating far beyond Kashmir is certainly bad news. This may be an indication that pan-Islamism is gaining ground among the younger generation of Indian Muslims. The key feature of pan-Islamism is its goal of "liberating" all lands that once were ruled by Muslims - from India to Spain and southern France, passing by parts of China and Russia, as well as the Balkans.
That the Bombay attackers wish to advertise their Indian identity is indicated by the name of the group that has claimed responsibility. Unless it is a cover for other groups, the name Mujahedeen (Holy Warriors) of Deccan is clearly designed to underline the group's ambition to strike throughout India. Deccan, a region in south-central India, has been the cultural heart of Indian Islam for centuries.
India is targeted for a number of reasons. Its recent close ties to the United States, symbolized by a nuclear-cooperation accord signed in Washington recently, has angered the Islamist movement all over the world. Jihadists also hate India for the financial support it provides to the government of President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, while also helping train the new Afghan army and police.
The Bombay attacks had two other messages. The first was that India's recent economic boom is fragile and vulnerable to pressure from radical elements. The second was that India is no longer hospitable for Western citizens, especially Jews and other non-Muslims. The fact that US and British citizens were specifically targeted to be taken as hostages and that one group of the terrorists raided Bombay's largest Jewish center was meant to discourage non-Indians from visiting, let alone working, in the mega-city of 12 million.
One reason that Islamists may be looking for bases within their own homelands is the loss of training sites and safe havens in Afghanistan, while Pakistan has also become inhospitable territory.
Meanwhile, part of the media has tried to link the Bombay attacks to al Qaeda. This may be saying too much or too little. As an organization capable of exercising operational control over any group, al Qaeda is all but dead. The best information available, plus the buzz in Jihadi circles, indicates that al Qaeda is still collecting some funds, especially in the Persian Gulf, and funneling part of it to militant groups across the globe. Beyond that, however, al Qaeda is more of a brand, a kind of franchise, and a source of inspiration rather than command and control.
In Bombay, the Jihadis used a new style of attack, consisting of a range of operations that are traditionally used one by one. They have seized control of territory, carried out suicide operations, conducted military-style attacks and seized hostages, all in the context of a single multiform campaign of terror.
This new style, a kind of smorgasbord of terrorist tactics served at one go, confused the Indian counterterrorist units and army elite. Terrorism is a mutating monster, and Bombay's experience could be repeated in other big cities across the globe. Counterterrorism doctrine needs to readjust itself for what is a major tactical change in the way Jihadism works.
I'm appending a couple of COMMENTS to this article here:
Lenny Waller wrote:
Bombay (Mumbai), Yesterday. Tomorrow they will be in Main Street U.S.A.We must show ZERO Tolerance to them. They Must be made along with the rest of the world, To see that acts of terrorism against Americans, will be dealt with by an Extreme force in return.An act of terrorism against US citizens abroad or at home by anyone group, country, government, will be taken as an act against the United States & will get the same response.Lenny Waller Bronx, NY
11/29/2008 6:31 PM EST
Recommend (1)
AndyinPhoenix wrote:
Hidden in the article is THE CLUE to stopping the Islamofascist's effectiveness. "The key feature of pan-Islamism is its goal of "liberating" all lands that once were ruled by Muslims - from India to Spain and southern France, passing by parts of China and Russia, as well as the Balkans."The Clue is the reason why the militants WILL avoid these territories: the Islamo-fascists know the Chinese, Russians and the Balkins will snuff their sorry butts in a New York minute, and forgettabout the Geneva Conventions. These countries are not about to let foreignors take over their countries and shove a religion down their throats, unlike the obliging French, the English, and possibly a gullible America if the voting public doesn't wake up and push back. A key tenet of Islam is their agenda to conqueror the world and place everyone under Sharia law, where all survivors are Muslim converts. You may not agree with my assessment, but your disagreement doesn't change the evidence (the Koran).
11/29/2008 3:55 PM EST
proudinfidel wrote:
When are people going to get it through their thick skulls that the way to fight terror in Western societies is to stop all immigration from Islamic countries. There is no such thing as a "moderate" muslim. They only lay low until the time is right and then their hate and radicalism comes out. They want slaves and they think they are entitled to slaves. My advice to India is give up on Kasmir and make it a giant reservation or dumping ground for the 200 mil muslims that are in your country now. Put them in Kashmir and then seal this border off any way you can, even if you have to put millions of your troops there and use the threat of the nuke option. Don't let western style cowardice and political correctness ruin your country too.
11/29/2008 3:04 PM EST
Recommended (3)
Lots more Comments! Read them all at http://www.nypost.com/seven/11292008/postopinion/opedcolumnists/terrors_new_face_141348.htm
by Amir Taheri
Last updated: 2:47 am
November 29, 2008
Posted: 1:49 am
November 29, 2008
[NOTE: I prefer to call them "'Supposedly Indian' Moslem Jihadists" instead of "Indian thugs" which harkens back to a historical group that did not operate in the name of an ideology promoting world domination and subjugation of all who do not believe in it as does Islam. Leslie White]
THE world confronted a new face of terror this week - operating with brand new tactics and a host of goals.
Earlier this week, for example, Pakistan President Assif Ali Zardari announced his readiness to settle the dispute with India over Kashmir, promising an end to a conflict that has led to four wars and countless terrorist campaigns over the past 50 years.
On Wednesday, terror organizations that do not wish the Kashmir problem to be solved offered their opinion of such a shift, in the form of a series of coordinated attacks against sensitive targets in Bombay (Mumbai), India's business capital and the engine of its recent economic takeoff.
The message was clear: Even if Pakistan scales back its old policy of backing terrorist groups in the name of liberating the Muslims of Kashmir, radical Islamists are capable of continuing the low-intensity war that has cost India billions of dollars and thousands of lives.
The attacks in Bombay likely were carried out by Hindi-speaking, homegrown Islamists with possible links to elements within the Pakistani intelligence community who have built their careers and personal fortunes around the Kashmir issue. These elements are serving notice that they would resist Zardari's dramatic departure from a long-established policy of enmity against India.
While the attacks, which claimed more than 100 lives, may have been addressed to Zardari, their primary target was India.
India is home to nearly 200 million Muslims, making it one of the world's largest "Muslim" countries. Until recently, however, a majority of Indian Muslims have steered clear of radical politics. Apart from the issue of Kashmir, which has at times turned them against the authorities in New Delhi, most Indian Muslims have been loyal to the Indian republic, appreciating its secular and democratic nature. India is the only country that allows its Muslim minority to apply the rules of Sharia (Islamic cannon law) to a range of issues of private life.
That India may now face a homegrown Islamist terror movement operating far beyond Kashmir is certainly bad news. This may be an indication that pan-Islamism is gaining ground among the younger generation of Indian Muslims. The key feature of pan-Islamism is its goal of "liberating" all lands that once were ruled by Muslims - from India to Spain and southern France, passing by parts of China and Russia, as well as the Balkans.
That the Bombay attackers wish to advertise their Indian identity is indicated by the name of the group that has claimed responsibility. Unless it is a cover for other groups, the name Mujahedeen (Holy Warriors) of Deccan is clearly designed to underline the group's ambition to strike throughout India. Deccan, a region in south-central India, has been the cultural heart of Indian Islam for centuries.
India is targeted for a number of reasons. Its recent close ties to the United States, symbolized by a nuclear-cooperation accord signed in Washington recently, has angered the Islamist movement all over the world. Jihadists also hate India for the financial support it provides to the government of President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, while also helping train the new Afghan army and police.
The Bombay attacks had two other messages. The first was that India's recent economic boom is fragile and vulnerable to pressure from radical elements. The second was that India is no longer hospitable for Western citizens, especially Jews and other non-Muslims. The fact that US and British citizens were specifically targeted to be taken as hostages and that one group of the terrorists raided Bombay's largest Jewish center was meant to discourage non-Indians from visiting, let alone working, in the mega-city of 12 million.
One reason that Islamists may be looking for bases within their own homelands is the loss of training sites and safe havens in Afghanistan, while Pakistan has also become inhospitable territory.
Meanwhile, part of the media has tried to link the Bombay attacks to al Qaeda. This may be saying too much or too little. As an organization capable of exercising operational control over any group, al Qaeda is all but dead. The best information available, plus the buzz in Jihadi circles, indicates that al Qaeda is still collecting some funds, especially in the Persian Gulf, and funneling part of it to militant groups across the globe. Beyond that, however, al Qaeda is more of a brand, a kind of franchise, and a source of inspiration rather than command and control.
In Bombay, the Jihadis used a new style of attack, consisting of a range of operations that are traditionally used one by one. They have seized control of territory, carried out suicide operations, conducted military-style attacks and seized hostages, all in the context of a single multiform campaign of terror.
This new style, a kind of smorgasbord of terrorist tactics served at one go, confused the Indian counterterrorist units and army elite. Terrorism is a mutating monster, and Bombay's experience could be repeated in other big cities across the globe. Counterterrorism doctrine needs to readjust itself for what is a major tactical change in the way Jihadism works.
I'm appending a couple of COMMENTS to this article here:
Lenny Waller wrote:
Bombay (Mumbai), Yesterday. Tomorrow they will be in Main Street U.S.A.We must show ZERO Tolerance to them. They Must be made along with the rest of the world, To see that acts of terrorism against Americans, will be dealt with by an Extreme force in return.An act of terrorism against US citizens abroad or at home by anyone group, country, government, will be taken as an act against the United States & will get the same response.Lenny Waller Bronx, NY
11/29/2008 6:31 PM EST
Recommend (1)
AndyinPhoenix wrote:
Hidden in the article is THE CLUE to stopping the Islamofascist's effectiveness. "The key feature of pan-Islamism is its goal of "liberating" all lands that once were ruled by Muslims - from India to Spain and southern France, passing by parts of China and Russia, as well as the Balkans."The Clue is the reason why the militants WILL avoid these territories: the Islamo-fascists know the Chinese, Russians and the Balkins will snuff their sorry butts in a New York minute, and forgettabout the Geneva Conventions. These countries are not about to let foreignors take over their countries and shove a religion down their throats, unlike the obliging French, the English, and possibly a gullible America if the voting public doesn't wake up and push back. A key tenet of Islam is their agenda to conqueror the world and place everyone under Sharia law, where all survivors are Muslim converts. You may not agree with my assessment, but your disagreement doesn't change the evidence (the Koran).
11/29/2008 3:55 PM EST
proudinfidel wrote:
When are people going to get it through their thick skulls that the way to fight terror in Western societies is to stop all immigration from Islamic countries. There is no such thing as a "moderate" muslim. They only lay low until the time is right and then their hate and radicalism comes out. They want slaves and they think they are entitled to slaves. My advice to India is give up on Kasmir and make it a giant reservation or dumping ground for the 200 mil muslims that are in your country now. Put them in Kashmir and then seal this border off any way you can, even if you have to put millions of your troops there and use the threat of the nuke option. Don't let western style cowardice and political correctness ruin your country too.
11/29/2008 3:04 PM EST
Recommended (3)
Lots more Comments! Read them all at http://www.nypost.com/seven/11292008/postopinion/opedcolumnists/terrors_new_face_141348.htm
Pakistan Involved in Mumbai Massacre? How much?
Pakistani groups at center of Mumbai probe
NOTE: Click on above Headline-Link. This might be a time-sensitive post, so read now or copy it for reading when you have time available.
NOTE: Click on above Headline-Link. This might be a time-sensitive post, so read now or copy it for reading when you have time available.
Friday, November 28, 2008
ISI role in Mumbai mayhem
Nirendra Dev
NEW DELHI, Nov. 28: Shell-shocked by the unprecedented assault on Mumbai, India’s Intelligence agencies are taking a closer look at the metamorphosis of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) into an omnipotent Intelligence agency in Pakistan where it is practically unanswerable to the Army, President and Prime Minister.
Over the years, with its dominant role in governance and subversion in neighbouring countries, especially India, ISI has controlled the levers of power, especially in deciding Pakistan’s foreign policy. The move to invite the ISI director general, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, needs to be seen in that context.
Founded in 1948 by Maj Gen R Cawthorne, the ISI has been able to project Jehad as a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy especially in regard to India and Afghanistan, Intelligence officials said.
The ISI assumed its larger-than-life image during the Ayub Khan regime in 1960s when it was given a free hand for political espionage. It got a major boost in the 1970s when Gen Zia-ul-Haq took over. The ISI influence increased dramatically thereafter when the US found Zia’s Pakistan a “willing ally to checkmate” Soviet moves in Afghanistan.
The ISI with the CIA plunged into organising formulae and logistics for the Afghan rebels and soon assumed the influential role of ferrying weapons from the US and Saudi Arabia. The ISI had so much clout once that Americans remained unmoved when it allegedly “siphoned” off about 40 per cent of funds meant for Afghan refugees.
The ISI’s tentacles slowly spread all over the Arab world and in the garb of promoting Jehad in Afghanistan, it also came in contact with various Muslim terror organisations in West Asia and Africa. Indian officials believe that supported by CIA, the ISI along with Osama bin Laden was instrumental in bringing about 30,000 Islamic militants to Pakistan and Afghanistan from other countries. Some foreign mercenaries were also sneaked into Jammu and Kashmir in India in the 1990s.
Under Lt Gen Hamid Gul from 1987-89, the ISI strengthened its grip on “Islamic terror forces and Pakistan’s polity” which was taken forward during the stint of Lt Gen Javed Nasir from March 1992-94. The ISI embarked upon long-term plans of “intelligence encirclement” of India. It established a strong network in Nepal and Bangladesh, Dubai, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Now, that terrorists reportedly in conjunction with the ISI, often called CIA’s Frankenstein, have struck Mumbai, it is ironic that many foreign visitors, including Americans, have come under attack.
NEW DELHI, Nov. 28: Shell-shocked by the unprecedented assault on Mumbai, India’s Intelligence agencies are taking a closer look at the metamorphosis of the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) into an omnipotent Intelligence agency in Pakistan where it is practically unanswerable to the Army, President and Prime Minister.
Over the years, with its dominant role in governance and subversion in neighbouring countries, especially India, ISI has controlled the levers of power, especially in deciding Pakistan’s foreign policy. The move to invite the ISI director general, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha, by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, needs to be seen in that context.
Founded in 1948 by Maj Gen R Cawthorne, the ISI has been able to project Jehad as a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy especially in regard to India and Afghanistan, Intelligence officials said.
The ISI assumed its larger-than-life image during the Ayub Khan regime in 1960s when it was given a free hand for political espionage. It got a major boost in the 1970s when Gen Zia-ul-Haq took over. The ISI influence increased dramatically thereafter when the US found Zia’s Pakistan a “willing ally to checkmate” Soviet moves in Afghanistan.
The ISI with the CIA plunged into organising formulae and logistics for the Afghan rebels and soon assumed the influential role of ferrying weapons from the US and Saudi Arabia. The ISI had so much clout once that Americans remained unmoved when it allegedly “siphoned” off about 40 per cent of funds meant for Afghan refugees.
The ISI’s tentacles slowly spread all over the Arab world and in the garb of promoting Jehad in Afghanistan, it also came in contact with various Muslim terror organisations in West Asia and Africa. Indian officials believe that supported by CIA, the ISI along with Osama bin Laden was instrumental in bringing about 30,000 Islamic militants to Pakistan and Afghanistan from other countries. Some foreign mercenaries were also sneaked into Jammu and Kashmir in India in the 1990s.
Under Lt Gen Hamid Gul from 1987-89, the ISI strengthened its grip on “Islamic terror forces and Pakistan’s polity” which was taken forward during the stint of Lt Gen Javed Nasir from March 1992-94. The ISI embarked upon long-term plans of “intelligence encirclement” of India. It established a strong network in Nepal and Bangladesh, Dubai, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.
Now, that terrorists reportedly in conjunction with the ISI, often called CIA’s Frankenstein, have struck Mumbai, it is ironic that many foreign visitors, including Americans, have come under attack.
Mumbai Warnings unheeded
Vijay Thakur
from http://www.thestatesman.net/page.news.php?clid=2&theme=&usrsess=1&id=233295
NEW DELHI, Nov. 28: Was it merely an intelligence failure or a complete breakdown of the system that failed to prevent the deadly terrorist attack on Mumbai?
According to senior intelligence officers, the attack could have been prevented had the “security threat from the coastal area” not been taken lightly.
Despite repeated warnings, no contingency plan was in place to react to such a warlike situation, they said. Central intelligence agencies, which are usually on the defensive after every terror attack, have taken the offensive this time attacking the “policy makers” for not acting. While serving intelligence officers preferred not to comment “officially”, a former top intelligence official questioned the “political will” and the “vision of governance” of political parties in power to tackle such a sensitive issue. “The USA learned lessons after 9/11. Unfortunately, we have not learnt any despite three decades of continuous terror attacks.”
Questioning the efficiency of police or intelligence agencies is no solution as “we are no way less than any intelligence agency of the world,” said the former joint director of Intelligence Bureau, Mr M K Dhar.
Senior intelligence officials said they had warned the government about training camps operating in Pakistan and their “nefarious plan to attack Mumbai using sea route”.
“The Mumbai attack is the best example of how our political bosses have failed completely. They are mixing politics with the internal and external security of the nation,” said Mr Dhar.
“We need to have a vision of governance. There is a total lack of political will in fight terrorism. We should have a plan to respond to such situation immediately,” said the former director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr A K Doval.
Men of steel
Mumbai, Nov. 28: They were all sleeping in the safe confines of their homes when urgent calls were made at midnight to form a crack team of the elite commandos of the Indian Navy- MARCOS, to tackle the terror attacks unfolding at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels here. By two in the morning, 40 heavily armed Naval commandos had arrived at the scene. The team was divided into two with one being sent to Oberoi along with the Explosive Ordinance Demolitions (EOD), while the other to Taj.
A Mauritius national's identity card was recovered from the rucksack of a terrorist who escaped from a hotel room, he said, adding the recovered rucksack also contained Chinese made hand grenades, seven ammunition magazines, 400 spare rounds of ammunition, seven credit cards of different banks, dry rations and USD 1,200 and Rs 6,840. n PTI
from http://www.thestatesman.net/page.news.php?clid=2&theme=&usrsess=1&id=233295
NEW DELHI, Nov. 28: Was it merely an intelligence failure or a complete breakdown of the system that failed to prevent the deadly terrorist attack on Mumbai?
According to senior intelligence officers, the attack could have been prevented had the “security threat from the coastal area” not been taken lightly.
Despite repeated warnings, no contingency plan was in place to react to such a warlike situation, they said. Central intelligence agencies, which are usually on the defensive after every terror attack, have taken the offensive this time attacking the “policy makers” for not acting. While serving intelligence officers preferred not to comment “officially”, a former top intelligence official questioned the “political will” and the “vision of governance” of political parties in power to tackle such a sensitive issue. “The USA learned lessons after 9/11. Unfortunately, we have not learnt any despite three decades of continuous terror attacks.”
Questioning the efficiency of police or intelligence agencies is no solution as “we are no way less than any intelligence agency of the world,” said the former joint director of Intelligence Bureau, Mr M K Dhar.
Senior intelligence officials said they had warned the government about training camps operating in Pakistan and their “nefarious plan to attack Mumbai using sea route”.
“The Mumbai attack is the best example of how our political bosses have failed completely. They are mixing politics with the internal and external security of the nation,” said Mr Dhar.
“We need to have a vision of governance. There is a total lack of political will in fight terrorism. We should have a plan to respond to such situation immediately,” said the former director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr A K Doval.
Men of steel
Mumbai, Nov. 28: They were all sleeping in the safe confines of their homes when urgent calls were made at midnight to form a crack team of the elite commandos of the Indian Navy- MARCOS, to tackle the terror attacks unfolding at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels here. By two in the morning, 40 heavily armed Naval commandos had arrived at the scene. The team was divided into two with one being sent to Oberoi along with the Explosive Ordinance Demolitions (EOD), while the other to Taj.
A Mauritius national's identity card was recovered from the rucksack of a terrorist who escaped from a hotel room, he said, adding the recovered rucksack also contained Chinese made hand grenades, seven ammunition magazines, 400 spare rounds of ammunition, seven credit cards of different banks, dry rations and USD 1,200 and Rs 6,840. n PTI
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Muslim Jihadis go after Mumbai, India
Muslim Jihadis go after Mumbai, India
Posted by: Neer
from http://www.bangladeshihindu.com/muslim-jihadis-go-after-mumbai-india/
Mumbai again becomes the victim of a terrorist attack. However, this time it is much serious. I am pretty sure because of the extensive coverage by CNN and other media we all know what happened. A bunch of terrorists decided to go crazy with their guns and kill innocent people.
This is not the first time India is facing these types of attacks. The problem is that India is not doing anything to make the nation safe(r) for its citizens. Every time there is an attack, we see Indian government going ahead and condemning the attacks and playing their same boring record, “terrorism has no religion.” This is getting annoying now.
If you are not willing to do anything about it then you will continue to face the wrath of Islamic terrorists. The US was like that too before 9/11. Now, they hyped up their security and they can figure out possible terrorist plots before they take place. For instance, today, the Feds figured out that NY trains would be targetted by Islamic terrorists.
India just doesn’t have the technology or initiatives currently to carry out such a fast action as the americans. That’s why India needs to have an alliance with Israel and the US to destroy Muslim terrorism.
Muslims also need to come forward and redefine Islam and terrorism to the world. Not all Muslims are terrorists but 95% terrorists are Muslims. People that’s why do question Islam. Muslims need to look into their communities and their interpretations to see what is going wrong. We, the outsiders can always analyze whatever but the real change has to become within the Muslim communities.
Read it all at
Posted by: Neer
from http://www.bangladeshihindu.com/muslim-jihadis-go-after-mumbai-india/
Mumbai again becomes the victim of a terrorist attack. However, this time it is much serious. I am pretty sure because of the extensive coverage by CNN and other media we all know what happened. A bunch of terrorists decided to go crazy with their guns and kill innocent people.
This is not the first time India is facing these types of attacks. The problem is that India is not doing anything to make the nation safe(r) for its citizens. Every time there is an attack, we see Indian government going ahead and condemning the attacks and playing their same boring record, “terrorism has no religion.” This is getting annoying now.
If you are not willing to do anything about it then you will continue to face the wrath of Islamic terrorists. The US was like that too before 9/11. Now, they hyped up their security and they can figure out possible terrorist plots before they take place. For instance, today, the Feds figured out that NY trains would be targetted by Islamic terrorists.
India just doesn’t have the technology or initiatives currently to carry out such a fast action as the americans. That’s why India needs to have an alliance with Israel and the US to destroy Muslim terrorism.
Muslims also need to come forward and redefine Islam and terrorism to the world. Not all Muslims are terrorists but 95% terrorists are Muslims. People that’s why do question Islam. Muslims need to look into their communities and their interpretations to see what is going wrong. We, the outsiders can always analyze whatever but the real change has to become within the Muslim communities.
Read it all at
101 Killed As Islamic Gunmen Rampage In Mumbai
101 Killed As Gunmen Rampage In India City
Thursday, November 27, 2008
By Ramola Talwar Badam
MUMBAI, India: AP - Teams of gunmen stormed luxury hotels, a popular restaurant, a crowded train station and a Jewish center, killing at least 101 people and holding Westerners hostage in coordinated attacks on India's commercial center that were blamed on Muslim militants. Dozens of people were still trapped or held captive Thursday.
Police and gunmen were exchanging occasional gunfire at two luxury hotels and dozens of people were believed held hostage or trapped inside the besieged buildings. Pradeep Indulkar, a senior official at the Maharashtra state Home Ministry said 101 people were killed and 314 injured.
Among the dead were at least one Australian, Japanese and British national he said. Officials said eight militants had also been killed in the coordinated attacks on at least 10 sites that began around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. Gunmen also seized the Mumbai headquarters of the ultra-orthodox Jewish outreach group Chabad Lubavitch. Indian commandos surrounded the building Thursday morning and witnesses said gunfire was heard from the building.
Police loudspeakers declared a curfew around Mumbai's landmark Taj Mahal hotel, and black-clad commandos ran into the building as fresh gunshots rang out from the area, apparently the beginning of an assault on gunmen who had taken hostages in the hotel.
Soldiers outside the hotel said forces were moving slowly, from room to room, looking for gunmen and traps. At noon, two bodies covered with white cloth were wheeled out of the entrance and put in ambulances.
A series of explosions had rocked the Taj Mahal just after midnight. Screams were heard and black smoke and flames billowed from the century-old edifice on Mumbai's waterfront. Firefighters sprayed water at the blaze and plucked people from balconies with extension ladders. By dawn, the fire was still burning. At the nearby upscale Oberoi hotel, soldiers could be seen on the roof of neighboring buildings. A banner hung out of one window read "save us." No one could be seen inside the room from the road.
Officials at Bombay Hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a Japanese man had died there and nine Europeans had been admitted, three of them in critical condition with gunshots. All had come from the Taj Mahal, the officials said.
At least three top Indian police officers - including the chief of the anti-terror squad - were among those killed, said and A.N. Roy, a top police official. The attackers specifically targeted Britons and Americans at the hotels and restaurant, witnesses said. Alex Chamberlain, a British citizen who was dining at the Oberoi, told Sky News television that a gunman ushered 30 to 40 people from the restaurant into a stairway and, speaking in Hindi or Urdu, ordered everyone to put up their hands.
"They were talking about British and Americans specifically. There was an Italian guy, who, you know, they said: 'Where are you from?" and he said he's from Italy and they said 'fine' and they left him alone. And I thought: 'Fine, they're going to shoot me if they ask me anything - and thank God they didn't," he said. Chamberlain said he managed to slip away as the patrons were forced to walk up stairs, but he thought much of the group was being held hostage.
The motive for the onslaught was not immediately clear, but Mumbai has frequently been targeted in terrorist attacks blamed on Islamic extremists, including a series of bombings in July 2006 that killed 187 people.
Mumbai, on the western coast of India overlooking the Arabian Sea, is home to splendid Victorian architecture built during the British Raj and is one of the most populated cities in the world with some 18 million crammed into shantytowns, high rises and crumbling mansions. The Taj Mahal hotel, filled with Oriental carpets, Indian artifacts and alabaster ceilings, overlooks the fabled Gateway of India that commemorated the visit of King George V and Queen Mary. A spokesman for the Lubavitch movement in New York, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, said attackers "stormed the Chabad house" in Mumbai.
"It seems that the terrorists commandeered a police vehicle which allowed them easy access to the area of the Chabad house and threw a grenade at a gas pump nearby," he said.
Around 10:30 a.m., three people were led from the building and escorted away by police: a woman, a child and an Indian cook, said one witness, who also spoke on condition of anonymity. He said he did not know the status of occupants of the house, which serves as an educational center and a synagogue.
Early Thursday, state Home Secretary Bipin Shrimali said four suspects had been killed in two incidents in Mumbai when they tried to flee in cars, and Roy said four more gunmen were killed at the Taj Mahal. State Home Minister R.R. Patil said nine more were arrested. They declined to provide any further details. "We're going to catch them dead or alive," Patil told reporters. "An attack on Mumbai is an attack on the rest of the country."
An Indian media report said a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen had claimed responsibility for the attacks in e-mails to several media outlets. There was no way to verify that claim. The state government ordered schools and colleges and the Bombay Stock Exchange closed Thursday. Police reported hostages being held at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, two of the best-known upscale destinations.
Gunmen who burst into the Taj "were targeting foreigners. They kept shouting: `Who has U.S. or U.K. passports?'" said Ashok Patel, a British citizen who fled from the hotel. Authorities believed up to 15 foreigners were hostages at the Taj Mahal hotel, said Anees Ahmed, a top state official.
It was also unclear where the hostages were in the Taj Mahal, which is divided into an older wing that was in flames, and a more modern tower. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said U.S. officials were not aware of any American casualties, but were still checking.
"We condemn these attacks and the loss of innocent life," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said. Blood smeared the grounds of the 19th century Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station - a beautiful example of Victorian Gothic architecture - where attackers sprayed bullets into the crowded terminal.
Photos in the Mumbai Mirror newspaper showed a young gunman - dressed like a college student in cargo pants and a black T-shirt - walking casually through the station, an assault rifle hanging from one hand and two knapsacks slung over a shoulder.
Nasim Inam, a witness said four of the attackers gunned down scores of commuters. "They just fired randomly at people and then ran away. In seconds, people fell to the ground."
Other gunmen attacked Leopold's restaurant, a landmark popular with foreigners, and the police headquarters in southern Mumbai, the area where most of the attacks took place. The restaurant was riddled with bullet holes and there was blood on the floor and shoes left by fleeing customers. Gunmen also attacked Cama and Albless Hospital and G.T. Hospital, though it was not immediately clear if anyone was killed.
Early Thursday, several European lawmakers were among those who barricaded themselves inside the Taj, a century-old seaside hotel complex and one of the city's best-known destinations.
"I was in the main lobby and there was all of a sudden a lot of firing outside," said Sajjad Karim, part of a delegation of European lawmakers visiting Mumbai ahead of a European Union-India summit. As he turned to get away, "all of a sudden another gunmen appeared in front of us, carrying machine gun-type weapons. And he just started firing at us ... I just turned and ran in the opposite direction," he told The Associated Press over his mobile phone. Hours later, Karim remained holed up in a hotel restaurant, unsure if it was safe to come out.
India has been wracked by bomb attacks the past three years, which police blame on Muslim militants intent on destabilizing this largely Hindu country. Nearly 700 people have died.
Since May a militant group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen has taken credit for a string of blasts that killed more than 130 people. The most recent was in September, when explosions struck a park and crowded shopping areas in the capital, New Delhi, killing 21 people and wounding about 100.
Relations between Hindus, who make up more than 80 percent of India's 1 billion population, and Muslims, who make up about 14 percent, have sporadically erupted into bouts of sectarian violence since British-ruled India was split into independent India and Pakistan in 1947.
Copyright © 2008 Muslim World Today
101 Killed As Gunmen Rampage In India City
Thursday, November 27, 2008
By Ramola Talwar Badam
MUMBAI, India: AP - Teams of gunmen stormed luxury hotels, a popular restaurant, a crowded train station and a Jewish center, killing at least 101 people and holding Westerners hostage in coordinated attacks on India's commercial center that were blamed on Muslim militants. Dozens of people were still trapped or held captive Thursday.
Police and gunmen were exchanging occasional gunfire at two luxury hotels and dozens of people were believed held hostage or trapped inside the besieged buildings. Pradeep Indulkar, a senior official at the Maharashtra state Home Ministry said 101 people were killed and 314 injured.
Among the dead were at least one Australian, Japanese and British national he said. Officials said eight militants had also been killed in the coordinated attacks on at least 10 sites that began around 9:30 p.m. Wednesday. Gunmen also seized the Mumbai headquarters of the ultra-orthodox Jewish outreach group Chabad Lubavitch. Indian commandos surrounded the building Thursday morning and witnesses said gunfire was heard from the building.
Police loudspeakers declared a curfew around Mumbai's landmark Taj Mahal hotel, and black-clad commandos ran into the building as fresh gunshots rang out from the area, apparently the beginning of an assault on gunmen who had taken hostages in the hotel.
Soldiers outside the hotel said forces were moving slowly, from room to room, looking for gunmen and traps. At noon, two bodies covered with white cloth were wheeled out of the entrance and put in ambulances.
A series of explosions had rocked the Taj Mahal just after midnight. Screams were heard and black smoke and flames billowed from the century-old edifice on Mumbai's waterfront. Firefighters sprayed water at the blaze and plucked people from balconies with extension ladders. By dawn, the fire was still burning. At the nearby upscale Oberoi hotel, soldiers could be seen on the roof of neighboring buildings. A banner hung out of one window read "save us." No one could be seen inside the room from the road.
Officials at Bombay Hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a Japanese man had died there and nine Europeans had been admitted, three of them in critical condition with gunshots. All had come from the Taj Mahal, the officials said.
At least three top Indian police officers - including the chief of the anti-terror squad - were among those killed, said and A.N. Roy, a top police official. The attackers specifically targeted Britons and Americans at the hotels and restaurant, witnesses said. Alex Chamberlain, a British citizen who was dining at the Oberoi, told Sky News television that a gunman ushered 30 to 40 people from the restaurant into a stairway and, speaking in Hindi or Urdu, ordered everyone to put up their hands.
"They were talking about British and Americans specifically. There was an Italian guy, who, you know, they said: 'Where are you from?" and he said he's from Italy and they said 'fine' and they left him alone. And I thought: 'Fine, they're going to shoot me if they ask me anything - and thank God they didn't," he said. Chamberlain said he managed to slip away as the patrons were forced to walk up stairs, but he thought much of the group was being held hostage.
The motive for the onslaught was not immediately clear, but Mumbai has frequently been targeted in terrorist attacks blamed on Islamic extremists, including a series of bombings in July 2006 that killed 187 people.
Mumbai, on the western coast of India overlooking the Arabian Sea, is home to splendid Victorian architecture built during the British Raj and is one of the most populated cities in the world with some 18 million crammed into shantytowns, high rises and crumbling mansions. The Taj Mahal hotel, filled with Oriental carpets, Indian artifacts and alabaster ceilings, overlooks the fabled Gateway of India that commemorated the visit of King George V and Queen Mary. A spokesman for the Lubavitch movement in New York, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, said attackers "stormed the Chabad house" in Mumbai.
"It seems that the terrorists commandeered a police vehicle which allowed them easy access to the area of the Chabad house and threw a grenade at a gas pump nearby," he said.
Around 10:30 a.m., three people were led from the building and escorted away by police: a woman, a child and an Indian cook, said one witness, who also spoke on condition of anonymity. He said he did not know the status of occupants of the house, which serves as an educational center and a synagogue.
Early Thursday, state Home Secretary Bipin Shrimali said four suspects had been killed in two incidents in Mumbai when they tried to flee in cars, and Roy said four more gunmen were killed at the Taj Mahal. State Home Minister R.R. Patil said nine more were arrested. They declined to provide any further details. "We're going to catch them dead or alive," Patil told reporters. "An attack on Mumbai is an attack on the rest of the country."
An Indian media report said a previously unknown group calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen had claimed responsibility for the attacks in e-mails to several media outlets. There was no way to verify that claim. The state government ordered schools and colleges and the Bombay Stock Exchange closed Thursday. Police reported hostages being held at the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, two of the best-known upscale destinations.
Gunmen who burst into the Taj "were targeting foreigners. They kept shouting: `Who has U.S. or U.K. passports?'" said Ashok Patel, a British citizen who fled from the hotel. Authorities believed up to 15 foreigners were hostages at the Taj Mahal hotel, said Anees Ahmed, a top state official.
It was also unclear where the hostages were in the Taj Mahal, which is divided into an older wing that was in flames, and a more modern tower. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said U.S. officials were not aware of any American casualties, but were still checking.
"We condemn these attacks and the loss of innocent life," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said. Blood smeared the grounds of the 19th century Chhatrapati Shivaji railroad station - a beautiful example of Victorian Gothic architecture - where attackers sprayed bullets into the crowded terminal.
Photos in the Mumbai Mirror newspaper showed a young gunman - dressed like a college student in cargo pants and a black T-shirt - walking casually through the station, an assault rifle hanging from one hand and two knapsacks slung over a shoulder.
Nasim Inam, a witness said four of the attackers gunned down scores of commuters. "They just fired randomly at people and then ran away. In seconds, people fell to the ground."
Other gunmen attacked Leopold's restaurant, a landmark popular with foreigners, and the police headquarters in southern Mumbai, the area where most of the attacks took place. The restaurant was riddled with bullet holes and there was blood on the floor and shoes left by fleeing customers. Gunmen also attacked Cama and Albless Hospital and G.T. Hospital, though it was not immediately clear if anyone was killed.
Early Thursday, several European lawmakers were among those who barricaded themselves inside the Taj, a century-old seaside hotel complex and one of the city's best-known destinations.
"I was in the main lobby and there was all of a sudden a lot of firing outside," said Sajjad Karim, part of a delegation of European lawmakers visiting Mumbai ahead of a European Union-India summit. As he turned to get away, "all of a sudden another gunmen appeared in front of us, carrying machine gun-type weapons. And he just started firing at us ... I just turned and ran in the opposite direction," he told The Associated Press over his mobile phone. Hours later, Karim remained holed up in a hotel restaurant, unsure if it was safe to come out.
India has been wracked by bomb attacks the past three years, which police blame on Muslim militants intent on destabilizing this largely Hindu country. Nearly 700 people have died.
Since May a militant group calling itself the Indian Mujahideen has taken credit for a string of blasts that killed more than 130 people. The most recent was in September, when explosions struck a park and crowded shopping areas in the capital, New Delhi, killing 21 people and wounding about 100.
Relations between Hindus, who make up more than 80 percent of India's 1 billion population, and Muslims, who make up about 14 percent, have sporadically erupted into bouts of sectarian violence since British-ruled India was split into independent India and Pakistan in 1947.
Copyright © 2008 Muslim World Today
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Indian navy sinks pirate “mother ship” in Gulf of Aden

The Indian navy says it was the third attack the Indian warship had repelled since its anti-piracy mission began in the Gulf of Aden on Nov. 2. On Nov. 11, Indian naval commandos flying a helicopter foiled an attempt to hijack an Indian merchant ship.
ADDENDUM - November 27, 2008
Pirate ship was Thai Trawler commandeered by Pirates
The sunken vessel was not a Somali pirate ship. It was a Thai trawler.
Posted by DarkStorm at 11/27/2008 12:52:00 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Why Manmohan is not getting insomnia. LOL time
The real reason why Madmoron Singh is not losing sleep over sinking Somali pirate vessels is
nizhal yoddha said...
i dont know why the media doesn't get a simple fact: once the trawler was taken over by the pirates, it was no longer a trawler, it was a pirate ship.this is like saying that once the 9/11 guys had taken over a passenger plane, it was no longer a passenger plane, but a guided missile. therefore it was entirely appropriate to destroy it.the media is demeaning the navy with this story. it figures -- after all, they keep demeaning the army as well. except, of course, when they need the army to go after terrorists who are shooting up the taj hotel.
11/27/2008 1:12 AM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How not to deal with Islam
from BJP vis-a-vis Hindu Resurgence
By Koenraad Elst
Leuven, Netherlands
Copyright �, Dr.Koenraad Elst, 1997
�������� When dealing with Islam, it is crucially important to keep in mind the distinction between Islam as a doctrine and the Muslims, a group of people who were born or tricked into an Islamic environment.� There is nothing intrinsically Islamic about human beings, not even when they are named Mohammed or Aisha.
�������� In Europe, the secularist Left accuses the mushrooming national‑populist and xenophobic parties of a "biologization of cultural differences".� When the said parties plead that they have put "racism" behind them, that they have nothing against coloured people or foreigners per se, and that they only fear for social disharmony as a consequence of the co‑existence of European and immigrant cultures, their opponents rightly argue that this implies a belief in the permanent character of people's cultural identity.� By assuming that immigrant foreigners are bound to remain culturally foreign, the xenophobes treat cultural identity as if it were a racial characteristic: a permanent and hereditary trait.� In reality, of course, cultural identities change, e.g. most second‑generation Hindu immigrants have moved rather closely towards the mainstream culture of their adopted countries.� Cultural identity including religion is not a permanent or hereditary trait.
�������� Yet, in India, the secularist Left, always ready to take stands directly opposed to what counts internationally as secular, insists that the Muslim cultural identity is a permanent fact of life with which Hindus will have to co‑exist in perpetuity.� Just as whites are bound to remain white and blacks are certain to remain black, Muslims are bound to remain Muslim, and Hindus just have to learn to live with them.� (The implication that Hindus should remain Hindu, however, does not apply: any criticism of conversion of Hindus to Islam or Christianity is either condemned or ridiculed.)�
�������� This secularist "biologization of Islam" is also assumed, quite mindlessly, by most supposedly Hindu organizations.� Their schemes for solving the communal problem are entirely within the framework of Hindu-Muslim co-existence: first there are the Hindu and the Muslim community, and next we have to find a way to make them co-exist.� The harder they try to be secular, the more they reduce the Islam problem to one of co-existence with a community which is somehow different, though the nature of that difference is emphatically not up for analysis.� Not one bad word will they say about Islam, even though it is Islam and nothing else which separates the Indian Muslims from their fellow Indians, and even though the problem of how to integrate the Muslims into the Hindutva identity constantly occupies their minds.
�������� This approach is politically counterproductive, as we shall argue, and it is unhistorical in its acceptance of Islam on a par with Hinduism.� Firstly, Hinduism is a civilization in its own right, developed as mankind's answer to certain questions and problems, both practical and profound, but Islam is merely a reactive phenomenon, generally destructive of (and at best parasitic on) ancient and genuine civilizations.� Secondly, in India's religious landscape, the Indian Muslim community is but a fairly recent addition cut out of the flesh of Hindu society.�
�������� Moreover, this approach of shielding Islam from critical enquiry is unfair to Islam by emphatically ignoring Islam's own self-definition as a religion based on a truth claim, viz. that "there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is Allah's prophet", a truth claim which can and must be evaluated as either true or false.�
�������� Finally, this non-doctrinal approach to the Muslim community creates the impression (gleefully picked up by the legions of communalism-watchers out to blacken Hindu society and its defenders) of a purely xenophobic motivation, similar to that of anti-foreigner parties in the West.� Xenophobic parties in the West are faced with the problem that the country which they claim for their own nation is "invaded" by an outsider population which they cannot or will not assimilate.� The cadres of these parties are often ideologues of ethnic or racial purity who do not want to assimilate Blacks or North-Africans or Turks, just as their grandfathers once rejected the assimilation of Jews.� The recent electoral growth of these parties is, by contrast, mainly due to working-class people who have assimilated immigrant labour (Italians, Poles) before, but who now find that certain new immigrant groups (particularly Muslims) in their neighbourhoods cultivate their separateness.� They fear that, against their own wish, they can not assimilate these separatist newcomers, and that their children will be faced with a civil war.� Either way, the starting-point of these xenophobic parties is the separateness or non-assimilation of foreigner populations, and their "only solution" is to send these immigrants (and their children and grandchildren) back to their countries of origin.
�������� In India, most Muslims are not immigrants even in the tenth generation, but otherwise the mistake made by their opponents is the same as in Europe: accepting the Muslimness of these Muslims as an unshakable basic fact which any policy must take into account.�
�������� The best example of this alleged similarity is the common complaint about the Islamic birth rate.� On the Hindutva fringe, there are pamphlets which falsely cite the World Health Organization as having established that within twenty years or so, Muslims will be the majority in India.� More serious publications, including Organiser and BJP Today, report a slower but nonetheless impressive increase in the Muslim percentage of India's population, recorded in every decadal census since 1881, and projected to continue at an even faster rate in the coming decades.� In essence, this picture is correct: the percentage of Muslims shows a persistent increase at the expense of the Hindu percentage, with the rate of increase itself increasing.� Given the higher Hindu participation in the birth control effort of the 1960s and 70s, we must now be witnessing a cumulative effect, of a proportionately smaller number of Hindu mothers (born in that period) having in their turn each a smaller number of children than the proportionately larger number of Muslim mothers, on average.� On top of the higher birth rate of Muslims within the Indian Union, there is the dramatic influx of millions upon millions of Bangladeshis and also some Pakistanis.�
�������� The fact that in 1991 the Indian government has chosen to replace a real census count of religious adherence with an estimate is itself an indication that the Muslim percentage is now rising at an alarming rate.� In fact, the estimate was demonstrably rigged.� It shows a slight decrease in the rate at which the Muslim percentage increases: up by 0.52% between 1971 (11.21%) and 1981 (11.73%), up by 0.47% between 1981 and 1991 (12.20).� However, all data about the Hindu-Muslim differential in birth control and birth figures imply that the rate of Muslim increase is itself increasing, even without counting the estimated ten million Bangladeshi Muslims who entered India between 1981 and 1991.[1]� >On top of the native increase, we must add the figure of the said immigrants, which by itself amounts to more than 1% of India's population, twice as high as the total growth of the Muslim percentage as claimed by the Government.� For once, I agree with Imam Bukhari, who has been saying for long that the Indian government systematically understates the number of Muslims in India.� The total increase between 1981 and 1991 must be at least 1.5%.� Assuming that the 1981 figure is correct, the 1991 figure is definitely higher than 13%, or at least 1% higher than the government claims.���
�������� So far, so good: the Sangh is right about the substantial increase in the Muslim percentage of the Indian population. �A realistic projection into the future of present demographic (including migratory) trends does predict a Muslim majority in the Subcontinent by the mid-21st century, and a Muslim majority in the Indian Union by the turn of the 22nd century (in some regions much earlier).� Though generally correct, this type of calculation is subject to an unkind comparison: the same type of projection occupies the minds of white racists in the USA.� They expect that whites will cease to be the majority there by the mid-21st century, and they too are worried and unable to stem the tide.� But there are two important differences.�
�������� The first one is that the non-whites in the USA do not or need not form a genuine problem for US whites, because people of different ethnic backgrounds can and do share in the same American Dream, can and do participate in a common American society.� By contrast, Islam in India is intrinsically separatist and aiming for hegemony and ultimately for the destruction of Hinduism through conversion or otherwise.� There is nothing intrinsically anti-white about blacks, but there is definitely something intrinsically anti-Hindu about Islam.� For this reason, the concern of whites about the growth of non-white groups in the USA is reprehensible, but the concern of Hindus about the growth of Islam is entirely justified.
�������� The second difference is that people's membership of certain racial groups, black or white or other, is unchangeable; while the potentially alarming adherence of people to Islam is entirely changeable.� And it is at this last point that the BJP-cum-secularist acceptance of the Islamic identity of the Indian Muslims distorts the picture.
�������� Like American white racists, BJP secularists are, in their heart of hearts, worried about the demographic increase of the minorities, but they don't want to admit it in so many words.� Thus, in its 1996 Election Manifesto, the BJP warns that because of Bangladeshi infiltration, "various demographic entities are bound to come in conflict" due to "an alarming growth of a section of the population"; already, "a section of the population has grown by almost 100 per cent" in certain northeastern areas.[2]� The BJP dooms itself to impotence by refusing to define the problem in its proper terms.� Not wanting to sound anti-Muslim, the BJP avoids facing the "communal" angle, with the result that the Communist government in West Bengal cracks down on Hindu refugees and forces them back into Bangladesh, just to show the BJP what the asked-for crackdown on religiously undefined "Bangladeshi infiltrators" would mean in practice.� Worse, even to the extent that the BJP does identify the problem as "illegal Bangladeshi Muslims", it dooms itself to an unimaginative (and by now probably unrealistic) solution, viz. to physically push these people back across the border.[3]
�������� This grudgingly admitted concern about the increasing Muslim presence, combined with the feeling of impotence to stop this ominous increase, leads to certain undesirable ideas, which you do not find in BJP or RSS publications, but which do come out in more extreme pamphlets of fringe groups and in unrecorded conversations.� One such idea is that birth control should be made compulsory, e.g. by enforcing vasectomy on every father of two children.� Another idea in this category is that Hindus should reintroduce polygamy (as I read in a pamphlet by British NRIs).� A third, propagated by the Puri Shankaracharya among others, is that Hindus should return to having as many children per woman as possible (quite like the natalist propaganda of xenophobic parties in Europe).� A fourth is that all Indian Muslims should go to Pakistan, which was, after all, created for them ("Mussalman ke do hi sthan: Pakistan ya qabrastan").� In 1947 this was, coupled with an ordered evacuation of Hindus from Pakistan, an eminently sensible proposal which could have saved millions of lives (including those yet to be lost in future clashes resulting from Hindu-Muslim "co-existence" in India).[4]� Today, however, it could only be done by means of extreme violence, comparable in intensity to (but a hundred times larger than) the full-scale civil war which preceded the expulsion of the French inhabitants of Algeria in 1962.�
�������� Hindutva men of the drinking kind utter such ideas in the late hours, when they are ashamed about their party's non-performance on the communal front and feel the need to strike a more martial profile.� These are indeed drunkards' ideas.� Within their scheme of things, the choice is one of simply letting the Muslims take over India as soon as they become numerous enough (which is well before they reach the 50% mark, e.g. Jinnah was offered the government by Gandhi when the Muslims were hardly 24% in undivided India); or implementing one of the said scenarios of demographic competition or ethnic cleansing.� I cannot blame anti-Hindu authors for highlighting such ideas as all too similar to certain forms of xenophobia and racism elsewhere.
�������� Thoughtful Hindus, by contrast, have no such problem.� They don't rely on numbers but on consciousness, the secret weapon which will blow Islam away.� Let the Indian Muslims "breed like rats": it is thanks to them that India will overtake China as the most populous country in the world (a doubtful honour in this age, but these millions may be needed one day).� All that is needed to avert the catastrophe of a Muslim take-over, is that these numerous children of Muslim parents are properly educated.
�������� It is a well-known fact that most South-Asian Muslims are the descendents of converts from Hinduism.� As for the Turkish, Persian or Arabic components of the Muslim community, they too are the descendents of converts, be it from Buddhism or Zoroastrianism or some other Kafir religion.� There is nothing intrinsically Muslim even about Arabs, who were the first victims of Islam.� Islamic scripture itself is quite unambiguous about the terror which Mohammed and his companions used to pressurize the Arabs into joining them; and about the national Arab revolt against Islam after Mohammed's death, a war of liberation which they only lost because they did not resort to the same ruthless style of warfare which Mohammed had introduced.� The people known as Muslims have walked into Islam, and they are bound to walk out again as well.� Powerful as the conditioning of Islamic indoctrination may be, it remains a superficial imposition susceptible to the law of impermanence.� That is why any solution which starts by assuming the Muslimness of the Muslims, is mistaken.
�������� [1]� The clearest eye-opener is the birth-rate in the relatively affluent Muslim-majority district of Malappuram in highly-literate Kerala (see Baljit Rai: Is India Going Islamic?, p.103-106); at 75.22%, the female literacy rate in Malappuram is twice as high as for most Hindu communities in the Hindi belt.� In the decade 1981-91 its population grew by 28.74%, well above the national average of 23.50% and more than twice the Kerala average of 13.98%.� This disproves the usual excuse that the birth-rate automatically follows the poverty rate and the illiteracy rate.� Most Hindu Scheduled Caste people whom I know have settled for smaller families, but by and large, Muslims have not changed their appetite for large families.� Ever since the propagation of birth control among the Hindu masses, rich and literate Muslims have more children than poor and illiterate Hindus.
�������� [2]� BJP Election Manifesto 1996: For a Strong and Prosperous India, p.39.� This is practically a parody of secularist riot reporting (where "Muslims burned a temple down" becomes "members of a particular community damaged a religious building").
�������� [3]� It is a different matter that the BJP state government in Delhi, voted to power in 1993 on a platform prominently including a crackdown on Bangladeshi infiltrators, has totally gone back on this promise.
�������� [4]� The chance to organize a peaceful and ordered exchange of population (not the optimum solution but certainly the lesser evil after Partition had been conceded), though proposed as early as 1940 by Dr. Ambedkar, was spurned by Gandhi and Nehru, who preferred to see the millions bleed rather than give up their dogma of a "composite culture".� The 20th century AD has been full of enlightened leaders sacrificing millions of real human beings on the altar of ideological chimaeras
By Koenraad Elst
Leuven, Netherlands
Copyright �, Dr.Koenraad Elst, 1997
�������� When dealing with Islam, it is crucially important to keep in mind the distinction between Islam as a doctrine and the Muslims, a group of people who were born or tricked into an Islamic environment.� There is nothing intrinsically Islamic about human beings, not even when they are named Mohammed or Aisha.
�������� In Europe, the secularist Left accuses the mushrooming national‑populist and xenophobic parties of a "biologization of cultural differences".� When the said parties plead that they have put "racism" behind them, that they have nothing against coloured people or foreigners per se, and that they only fear for social disharmony as a consequence of the co‑existence of European and immigrant cultures, their opponents rightly argue that this implies a belief in the permanent character of people's cultural identity.� By assuming that immigrant foreigners are bound to remain culturally foreign, the xenophobes treat cultural identity as if it were a racial characteristic: a permanent and hereditary trait.� In reality, of course, cultural identities change, e.g. most second‑generation Hindu immigrants have moved rather closely towards the mainstream culture of their adopted countries.� Cultural identity including religion is not a permanent or hereditary trait.
�������� Yet, in India, the secularist Left, always ready to take stands directly opposed to what counts internationally as secular, insists that the Muslim cultural identity is a permanent fact of life with which Hindus will have to co‑exist in perpetuity.� Just as whites are bound to remain white and blacks are certain to remain black, Muslims are bound to remain Muslim, and Hindus just have to learn to live with them.� (The implication that Hindus should remain Hindu, however, does not apply: any criticism of conversion of Hindus to Islam or Christianity is either condemned or ridiculed.)�
�������� This secularist "biologization of Islam" is also assumed, quite mindlessly, by most supposedly Hindu organizations.� Their schemes for solving the communal problem are entirely within the framework of Hindu-Muslim co-existence: first there are the Hindu and the Muslim community, and next we have to find a way to make them co-exist.� The harder they try to be secular, the more they reduce the Islam problem to one of co-existence with a community which is somehow different, though the nature of that difference is emphatically not up for analysis.� Not one bad word will they say about Islam, even though it is Islam and nothing else which separates the Indian Muslims from their fellow Indians, and even though the problem of how to integrate the Muslims into the Hindutva identity constantly occupies their minds.
�������� This approach is politically counterproductive, as we shall argue, and it is unhistorical in its acceptance of Islam on a par with Hinduism.� Firstly, Hinduism is a civilization in its own right, developed as mankind's answer to certain questions and problems, both practical and profound, but Islam is merely a reactive phenomenon, generally destructive of (and at best parasitic on) ancient and genuine civilizations.� Secondly, in India's religious landscape, the Indian Muslim community is but a fairly recent addition cut out of the flesh of Hindu society.�
�������� Moreover, this approach of shielding Islam from critical enquiry is unfair to Islam by emphatically ignoring Islam's own self-definition as a religion based on a truth claim, viz. that "there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is Allah's prophet", a truth claim which can and must be evaluated as either true or false.�
�������� Finally, this non-doctrinal approach to the Muslim community creates the impression (gleefully picked up by the legions of communalism-watchers out to blacken Hindu society and its defenders) of a purely xenophobic motivation, similar to that of anti-foreigner parties in the West.� Xenophobic parties in the West are faced with the problem that the country which they claim for their own nation is "invaded" by an outsider population which they cannot or will not assimilate.� The cadres of these parties are often ideologues of ethnic or racial purity who do not want to assimilate Blacks or North-Africans or Turks, just as their grandfathers once rejected the assimilation of Jews.� The recent electoral growth of these parties is, by contrast, mainly due to working-class people who have assimilated immigrant labour (Italians, Poles) before, but who now find that certain new immigrant groups (particularly Muslims) in their neighbourhoods cultivate their separateness.� They fear that, against their own wish, they can not assimilate these separatist newcomers, and that their children will be faced with a civil war.� Either way, the starting-point of these xenophobic parties is the separateness or non-assimilation of foreigner populations, and their "only solution" is to send these immigrants (and their children and grandchildren) back to their countries of origin.
�������� In India, most Muslims are not immigrants even in the tenth generation, but otherwise the mistake made by their opponents is the same as in Europe: accepting the Muslimness of these Muslims as an unshakable basic fact which any policy must take into account.�
�������� The best example of this alleged similarity is the common complaint about the Islamic birth rate.� On the Hindutva fringe, there are pamphlets which falsely cite the World Health Organization as having established that within twenty years or so, Muslims will be the majority in India.� More serious publications, including Organiser and BJP Today, report a slower but nonetheless impressive increase in the Muslim percentage of India's population, recorded in every decadal census since 1881, and projected to continue at an even faster rate in the coming decades.� In essence, this picture is correct: the percentage of Muslims shows a persistent increase at the expense of the Hindu percentage, with the rate of increase itself increasing.� Given the higher Hindu participation in the birth control effort of the 1960s and 70s, we must now be witnessing a cumulative effect, of a proportionately smaller number of Hindu mothers (born in that period) having in their turn each a smaller number of children than the proportionately larger number of Muslim mothers, on average.� On top of the higher birth rate of Muslims within the Indian Union, there is the dramatic influx of millions upon millions of Bangladeshis and also some Pakistanis.�
�������� The fact that in 1991 the Indian government has chosen to replace a real census count of religious adherence with an estimate is itself an indication that the Muslim percentage is now rising at an alarming rate.� In fact, the estimate was demonstrably rigged.� It shows a slight decrease in the rate at which the Muslim percentage increases: up by 0.52% between 1971 (11.21%) and 1981 (11.73%), up by 0.47% between 1981 and 1991 (12.20).� However, all data about the Hindu-Muslim differential in birth control and birth figures imply that the rate of Muslim increase is itself increasing, even without counting the estimated ten million Bangladeshi Muslims who entered India between 1981 and 1991.[1]� >On top of the native increase, we must add the figure of the said immigrants, which by itself amounts to more than 1% of India's population, twice as high as the total growth of the Muslim percentage as claimed by the Government.� For once, I agree with Imam Bukhari, who has been saying for long that the Indian government systematically understates the number of Muslims in India.� The total increase between 1981 and 1991 must be at least 1.5%.� Assuming that the 1981 figure is correct, the 1991 figure is definitely higher than 13%, or at least 1% higher than the government claims.���
�������� So far, so good: the Sangh is right about the substantial increase in the Muslim percentage of the Indian population. �A realistic projection into the future of present demographic (including migratory) trends does predict a Muslim majority in the Subcontinent by the mid-21st century, and a Muslim majority in the Indian Union by the turn of the 22nd century (in some regions much earlier).� Though generally correct, this type of calculation is subject to an unkind comparison: the same type of projection occupies the minds of white racists in the USA.� They expect that whites will cease to be the majority there by the mid-21st century, and they too are worried and unable to stem the tide.� But there are two important differences.�
�������� The first one is that the non-whites in the USA do not or need not form a genuine problem for US whites, because people of different ethnic backgrounds can and do share in the same American Dream, can and do participate in a common American society.� By contrast, Islam in India is intrinsically separatist and aiming for hegemony and ultimately for the destruction of Hinduism through conversion or otherwise.� There is nothing intrinsically anti-white about blacks, but there is definitely something intrinsically anti-Hindu about Islam.� For this reason, the concern of whites about the growth of non-white groups in the USA is reprehensible, but the concern of Hindus about the growth of Islam is entirely justified.
�������� The second difference is that people's membership of certain racial groups, black or white or other, is unchangeable; while the potentially alarming adherence of people to Islam is entirely changeable.� And it is at this last point that the BJP-cum-secularist acceptance of the Islamic identity of the Indian Muslims distorts the picture.
�������� Like American white racists, BJP secularists are, in their heart of hearts, worried about the demographic increase of the minorities, but they don't want to admit it in so many words.� Thus, in its 1996 Election Manifesto, the BJP warns that because of Bangladeshi infiltration, "various demographic entities are bound to come in conflict" due to "an alarming growth of a section of the population"; already, "a section of the population has grown by almost 100 per cent" in certain northeastern areas.[2]� The BJP dooms itself to impotence by refusing to define the problem in its proper terms.� Not wanting to sound anti-Muslim, the BJP avoids facing the "communal" angle, with the result that the Communist government in West Bengal cracks down on Hindu refugees and forces them back into Bangladesh, just to show the BJP what the asked-for crackdown on religiously undefined "Bangladeshi infiltrators" would mean in practice.� Worse, even to the extent that the BJP does identify the problem as "illegal Bangladeshi Muslims", it dooms itself to an unimaginative (and by now probably unrealistic) solution, viz. to physically push these people back across the border.[3]
�������� This grudgingly admitted concern about the increasing Muslim presence, combined with the feeling of impotence to stop this ominous increase, leads to certain undesirable ideas, which you do not find in BJP or RSS publications, but which do come out in more extreme pamphlets of fringe groups and in unrecorded conversations.� One such idea is that birth control should be made compulsory, e.g. by enforcing vasectomy on every father of two children.� Another idea in this category is that Hindus should reintroduce polygamy (as I read in a pamphlet by British NRIs).� A third, propagated by the Puri Shankaracharya among others, is that Hindus should return to having as many children per woman as possible (quite like the natalist propaganda of xenophobic parties in Europe).� A fourth is that all Indian Muslims should go to Pakistan, which was, after all, created for them ("Mussalman ke do hi sthan: Pakistan ya qabrastan").� In 1947 this was, coupled with an ordered evacuation of Hindus from Pakistan, an eminently sensible proposal which could have saved millions of lives (including those yet to be lost in future clashes resulting from Hindu-Muslim "co-existence" in India).[4]� Today, however, it could only be done by means of extreme violence, comparable in intensity to (but a hundred times larger than) the full-scale civil war which preceded the expulsion of the French inhabitants of Algeria in 1962.�
�������� Hindutva men of the drinking kind utter such ideas in the late hours, when they are ashamed about their party's non-performance on the communal front and feel the need to strike a more martial profile.� These are indeed drunkards' ideas.� Within their scheme of things, the choice is one of simply letting the Muslims take over India as soon as they become numerous enough (which is well before they reach the 50% mark, e.g. Jinnah was offered the government by Gandhi when the Muslims were hardly 24% in undivided India); or implementing one of the said scenarios of demographic competition or ethnic cleansing.� I cannot blame anti-Hindu authors for highlighting such ideas as all too similar to certain forms of xenophobia and racism elsewhere.
�������� Thoughtful Hindus, by contrast, have no such problem.� They don't rely on numbers but on consciousness, the secret weapon which will blow Islam away.� Let the Indian Muslims "breed like rats": it is thanks to them that India will overtake China as the most populous country in the world (a doubtful honour in this age, but these millions may be needed one day).� All that is needed to avert the catastrophe of a Muslim take-over, is that these numerous children of Muslim parents are properly educated.
�������� It is a well-known fact that most South-Asian Muslims are the descendents of converts from Hinduism.� As for the Turkish, Persian or Arabic components of the Muslim community, they too are the descendents of converts, be it from Buddhism or Zoroastrianism or some other Kafir religion.� There is nothing intrinsically Muslim even about Arabs, who were the first victims of Islam.� Islamic scripture itself is quite unambiguous about the terror which Mohammed and his companions used to pressurize the Arabs into joining them; and about the national Arab revolt against Islam after Mohammed's death, a war of liberation which they only lost because they did not resort to the same ruthless style of warfare which Mohammed had introduced.� The people known as Muslims have walked into Islam, and they are bound to walk out again as well.� Powerful as the conditioning of Islamic indoctrination may be, it remains a superficial imposition susceptible to the law of impermanence.� That is why any solution which starts by assuming the Muslimness of the Muslims, is mistaken.
�������� [1]� The clearest eye-opener is the birth-rate in the relatively affluent Muslim-majority district of Malappuram in highly-literate Kerala (see Baljit Rai: Is India Going Islamic?, p.103-106); at 75.22%, the female literacy rate in Malappuram is twice as high as for most Hindu communities in the Hindi belt.� In the decade 1981-91 its population grew by 28.74%, well above the national average of 23.50% and more than twice the Kerala average of 13.98%.� This disproves the usual excuse that the birth-rate automatically follows the poverty rate and the illiteracy rate.� Most Hindu Scheduled Caste people whom I know have settled for smaller families, but by and large, Muslims have not changed their appetite for large families.� Ever since the propagation of birth control among the Hindu masses, rich and literate Muslims have more children than poor and illiterate Hindus.
�������� [2]� BJP Election Manifesto 1996: For a Strong and Prosperous India, p.39.� This is practically a parody of secularist riot reporting (where "Muslims burned a temple down" becomes "members of a particular community damaged a religious building").
�������� [3]� It is a different matter that the BJP state government in Delhi, voted to power in 1993 on a platform prominently including a crackdown on Bangladeshi infiltrators, has totally gone back on this promise.
�������� [4]� The chance to organize a peaceful and ordered exchange of population (not the optimum solution but certainly the lesser evil after Partition had been conceded), though proposed as early as 1940 by Dr. Ambedkar, was spurned by Gandhi and Nehru, who preferred to see the millions bleed rather than give up their dogma of a "composite culture".� The 20th century AD has been full of enlightened leaders sacrificing millions of real human beings on the altar of ideological chimaeras
Friday, November 21, 2008
How to deal with Islam
from BJP vis-a-vis Hindu Resurgence
By Koenraad Elst
Leuven, Netherlands
Copyright �, Dr.Koenraad Elst, 1997
�������� The "communal" problem is simple, and so is its solution.� The root cause of communal riots, of the Partition with its nearly a million victims, and of the East Bengal genocide with its three million victims, is the Islamic doctrine of permanent hostility against the unbelievers.[1]� As the Quran says: "Fight them until idolatry is no more and religion belongs to Allah alone" (2:193 and 8:39), and: "Enmity and hate shall reign between us until ye believe in Allah alone" (60:4).� More than 70 passages in the Quran teach that non-Muslims are to be shunned and treated as enemies, that they are bound for hellfire, and that rulership in this and bliss in the next world is reserved for Muslims alone.� This body of doctrine is further corroborated and enriched with like-minded statements and model acts of Mohammed and his companions, and systematized by theologians and jurists.� The solution is obvious: remove the intrinsically communal and separatist doctrine of Islam from the minds of its misguided followers.� Educate them so that they can laugh at the primitive beliefs which have held them captive for so long, just as adults can take a laugh at their own childhood illusions.
�������� Sounds radical?� This was the solution offered by the Arya Samaj, a progressive Hindu reform movement, which put the large-scale reconversion of Muslims to the Vedic tradition high on Hindu society's agenda.� Its central doctrinal book, Swami Dayananda Saraswati's Satyartha Prakash (1875), contained the first Hindu vivisection of Islamic doctrine, still a bit clumsy but on the right track.� The movement had its martyrs, several authors of publications on Islam and leaders of the reconversion movement killed by Muslim activists; but it never indulged in any similar forms of violence.�
�������� Indeed, frank debate on ideas is inversely proportionate with riots and bomb attacks.� For this reason, the secularist editors and professors and politicians who suppress debate on the record and doctrines of Islam are among the chief culprits of India's communal conflagrations.[2]� The BJP is making a grave mistake by actively and passively joining the "secular" (in Europe we would call it anti-secular) effort to shield Islam from rational investigation and informed debate.� Instead, it should make and support every effort to expose Islam and break the spell it has cast on hundreds of millions of fellow Indians now known as Muslims.
�������� Today, the liberation of the Muslims from Islam should be a top priority for all those who care about India's and the world's future.� This is all the more obvious when we notice that in the Muslim world itself, many writers have stood up to publicize their break with Islam, and to show their brethren the way out of the religion which was forced on them by Mohammed and his companions.� Some have done so from a newfound atheist conviction (e.g. Taslima Nasrin), others from a rediscovery of the ancient ever-young spirituality of the Vedic tradition (e.g. Anwar Shaykh).� Given the intolerance for dissident opinions in the Muslim world, and given the actual spate of murders and murder attempts against fellow dissidents, each one of these apostates has had to muster far more courage than Sangh Parivar people will need when they finally speak up against Islam in the relative safety and freedom of secular India.
�������� The case against Islam is not limited to its record of intolerance, aggression, persecution and barbarity.� Quite apart from its violent self-righteousness and its anti-national attitudes, Islam is reprehensible for the more fundamental and more universal reason that it is not true.� Most ancient religious traditions are not based on belief systems, e.g. though the theory of reincarnation has gained widespread popularity among Hindus, there is no law which excludes non-believers in reincarnation from the Hindu fold.� Religions like Shinto or Taoism consist in a set of practices and ritual or ethical conventions, established as a practical framework of life within which people can exercise their freedom to seek spiritual upliftment; they are not based on a belief system.� In contrast to these ancient communal religions, Christianity and Islam make a truth claim which is non-provable but must nonetheless be accepted and will be enforced with grim punishments in this world and the next.[3]� It is meaningless to talk about these creedal religions without evaluating their central truth claims.
�������� In the case of Islam, this creed is quite simple: There is no god except Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.� The first part may or may not be true, depending on the meaning of the terms.� Like the Vaishnava term Bhagwan, "the sharer", effectively "the Lord", the Pagan-Arab term Allah (from al-Ilah, "the god", cfr. Hebrew Eloha/Elohim) seems to have been an inclusive term, subsuming every god in the Arab pantheon.� But to read this meaning into the Islamic creed would be unhistorical: the whole of Islamic scripture is entirely consistent in denouncing the worship of any "other god" (or what a Vaishnava inclusive-monotheist might call: "God under any other name") as irreconcilable with the worship of Allah.[4]� It necessarily implies hostility to Hinduism as long as Hindus do not worship Allah to the exclusion of all the Hindu gods and to the exclusion of non-theistic worldviews.
��� The second part of the Shahada, that Mohammed is Allah's prophet (assuming that Allah is the almighty Creator of the world), is decidedly untrue.� First of all, it is entirely unproven.� Every single sentence in the Quran can be explained from Mohammed's own socio-cultural background, like any perfectly human product.� Someone rich ought to announce an award for anyone who can find in the Quran a single sentence which proves by its contents that the Almighty had dictated it.� That is what rationalist associations do to expose quack exponents of the paranormal: award a hundred thousand dollars for whomever can demonstrate even a single paranormal fact under foolproof conditions (so far, no one ever collected the prize).
�������� Allah is supposed to be omniscient.� For such a Being it should be very easy to demonstrate some knowledge which is beyond the reach of ordinary human beings like Mohammed, say, being able in 620 AD to predict the events of 2000 AD, or to give the then-unknown chemical formula of water, or to write a then-unknown language including modern Arabic.� This would not be proof of omniscience yet, but at least proof that the Quran is not the handiwork of an ordinary mortal; but nothing of the sort is done in the Quran.� Moreover, the Quran contains many contradictions and inaccuracies, both in terms of modern physical and medical knowledge and in terms of its references to Biblical characters and events, e.g. mistaking Moses' sister Miriam for Jesus' mother Miriam/Mary, though there is a time-gap of more than twelve centuries between the two.� The omniscient Allah, who claims to be the God of Abraham and Moses, had somehow forgotten the details of his interactions with the Hebrew prophets, and while confidently predicting the Doomsday, He was ignorant of the scientific knowledge accumulated by mankind centuries before this Doomsday.
�������� Mohammed's own contemporaries were almost unanimous in dismissing his "revelations" as anything but divine, though they disagreed on whether his problem was demonic possession (as is still taught by some Christian missionaries) or just his imagination run wild.� Modern scholars have analyzed Mohammed's behaviour and "revelations" as typical symptoms of paranoia, while Swami Vivekananda opined that Mohammed suffered from the neuropathological effects of unguided yogic experiments.[5]� At any rate, there is nothing God-given about the Quranic revelation.�
�������� Islam stands or falls with Mohammed's prophethood.� The entire Muslim law is based on it through its four pillars, either directly (Quran and Hadis, the lore about his model behaviour) or indirectly (Qiyas, or analogy of new situations with those in which Mohammed showed the way, and Ijma, the consensus of men well-versed in the former three).� Those who are now Muslims will be free to replace Sharia laws with more humane laws once they emancipate themselves from their veneration for the man on whose words and acts the Sharia is based.� Then alone will they be able in good conscience to drop their hostility to Hinduism.� Moreover, then they themselves will opt for a Comon Civil Code, and they themselves will turn the Kashi and Mathura mosques into temples of Shiva and Krishna, rather than have these changes forced on them by meddlesome Hindus.� So, the Hindutva activists should replace the Common Civil Code and temple agitations, which claim things from the Muslims, with a campaign to reclaim the Muslims themselves, or at least to emancipate them from the grip of Islamic doctrine and leave them free to choose a more humane spiritual path for themselves.
�������� [1]� The victims of the Pakistani repression in East Bengal in 1971 (of whom the big majority were Hindus, while the Bengali Muslims too were killed for anti-Hindu reasons, viz. for being "half-Hindu renegades"), like those of the Sultanate and Moghul regimes, have never been properly counted; careerwise, it is suicidal for a scholar to calculate the magnitude of Islam's crimes against humanity.� The figure of 3 million is probably too high, but as it was given by a Muslim secularist (Bangladesh founder Mujibur Rahman), and as the secularists themselves have thrown their full weight against a proper study of the magnitude of Islamic massacres of Hindus, they cannot fault us for provisionally sticking to it.�
�������� [2]� You wouldn't guess it from their polished convent-school English, their trendy terminology, or their sanctimoniousness, but the likes of Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib or Gyanendra Pandey have blood on their hands.� The wave of Muslim violence after the Ayodhya demolition (and the boomerang of police repression and Shiv Sena retaliation) was at least partly due to the disinformation by supposed experts who denied that the disputed building had a violent iconoclastic prehistory, and implied that Hindus can get away with concocted history in their attacks on innocent mosques.� This disinformation gave Muslim militants the sense of justification needed to mount a "revenge" operation and to mobilize decent Muslims for acts of violence which they never would have committed if they had known the truth about Islam's guilt in Ayodhya.
�������� [3]� In this context, I want to caution against the imprecise use of the term "Semitic" when referring to the Prophetic-monotheistic religions.� Apart from being tainted by the related term "anti-Semitic", it is also hopelessly inaccurate.� Judaism (which is linguistically "Semitic" in that its basic texts are in Hebrew and Aramaic) is a communal religion just like Hinduism and most tribal and traditional religions, not a creedal one like Christianity and Islam.� The Semitic peoples including the Arabs until the 7th century AD and the early Israelites were heathens worshipping goddesses in sacred groves and the like.� The founding texts of Christianity were written in Greek, a non-Semitic language.� Monotheism was brought into Judaism by Moses, culturally an Egyptian, and had already been briefly imposed on the Egyptians by Pharaoh Ekhnaton.
�������� [4]� Allah is given "one hundred names", or rather Arabic epithets, but this does not mean that Isis or Apollo or Shiva will do just as well. �The non-Quranic Persian god-name Khuda did admitteldly manage to sneak into Muslim parlance; but it is no coincidence that with the increasing grip of the theologians on public life in Iran and Pakistan, this term is being phased out in favour of "Allah", e.g. Khuda hafiz, "God preserve you" (for "goodbye") is being replaced on Pakistani television by Allah hafiz.
�������� [5]� See Swami Vivekananda: Complete Works, vol.1, p.184.� The psychopathological thesis on Mohammed has been developed in great detail by Dr. Herman Somers: Een andere Mohammed (Dutch; Hadewijch, Antwerp 1992).
By Koenraad Elst
Leuven, Netherlands
Copyright �, Dr.Koenraad Elst, 1997
�������� The "communal" problem is simple, and so is its solution.� The root cause of communal riots, of the Partition with its nearly a million victims, and of the East Bengal genocide with its three million victims, is the Islamic doctrine of permanent hostility against the unbelievers.[1]� As the Quran says: "Fight them until idolatry is no more and religion belongs to Allah alone" (2:193 and 8:39), and: "Enmity and hate shall reign between us until ye believe in Allah alone" (60:4).� More than 70 passages in the Quran teach that non-Muslims are to be shunned and treated as enemies, that they are bound for hellfire, and that rulership in this and bliss in the next world is reserved for Muslims alone.� This body of doctrine is further corroborated and enriched with like-minded statements and model acts of Mohammed and his companions, and systematized by theologians and jurists.� The solution is obvious: remove the intrinsically communal and separatist doctrine of Islam from the minds of its misguided followers.� Educate them so that they can laugh at the primitive beliefs which have held them captive for so long, just as adults can take a laugh at their own childhood illusions.
�������� Sounds radical?� This was the solution offered by the Arya Samaj, a progressive Hindu reform movement, which put the large-scale reconversion of Muslims to the Vedic tradition high on Hindu society's agenda.� Its central doctrinal book, Swami Dayananda Saraswati's Satyartha Prakash (1875), contained the first Hindu vivisection of Islamic doctrine, still a bit clumsy but on the right track.� The movement had its martyrs, several authors of publications on Islam and leaders of the reconversion movement killed by Muslim activists; but it never indulged in any similar forms of violence.�
�������� Indeed, frank debate on ideas is inversely proportionate with riots and bomb attacks.� For this reason, the secularist editors and professors and politicians who suppress debate on the record and doctrines of Islam are among the chief culprits of India's communal conflagrations.[2]� The BJP is making a grave mistake by actively and passively joining the "secular" (in Europe we would call it anti-secular) effort to shield Islam from rational investigation and informed debate.� Instead, it should make and support every effort to expose Islam and break the spell it has cast on hundreds of millions of fellow Indians now known as Muslims.
�������� Today, the liberation of the Muslims from Islam should be a top priority for all those who care about India's and the world's future.� This is all the more obvious when we notice that in the Muslim world itself, many writers have stood up to publicize their break with Islam, and to show their brethren the way out of the religion which was forced on them by Mohammed and his companions.� Some have done so from a newfound atheist conviction (e.g. Taslima Nasrin), others from a rediscovery of the ancient ever-young spirituality of the Vedic tradition (e.g. Anwar Shaykh).� Given the intolerance for dissident opinions in the Muslim world, and given the actual spate of murders and murder attempts against fellow dissidents, each one of these apostates has had to muster far more courage than Sangh Parivar people will need when they finally speak up against Islam in the relative safety and freedom of secular India.
�������� The case against Islam is not limited to its record of intolerance, aggression, persecution and barbarity.� Quite apart from its violent self-righteousness and its anti-national attitudes, Islam is reprehensible for the more fundamental and more universal reason that it is not true.� Most ancient religious traditions are not based on belief systems, e.g. though the theory of reincarnation has gained widespread popularity among Hindus, there is no law which excludes non-believers in reincarnation from the Hindu fold.� Religions like Shinto or Taoism consist in a set of practices and ritual or ethical conventions, established as a practical framework of life within which people can exercise their freedom to seek spiritual upliftment; they are not based on a belief system.� In contrast to these ancient communal religions, Christianity and Islam make a truth claim which is non-provable but must nonetheless be accepted and will be enforced with grim punishments in this world and the next.[3]� It is meaningless to talk about these creedal religions without evaluating their central truth claims.
�������� In the case of Islam, this creed is quite simple: There is no god except Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.� The first part may or may not be true, depending on the meaning of the terms.� Like the Vaishnava term Bhagwan, "the sharer", effectively "the Lord", the Pagan-Arab term Allah (from al-Ilah, "the god", cfr. Hebrew Eloha/Elohim) seems to have been an inclusive term, subsuming every god in the Arab pantheon.� But to read this meaning into the Islamic creed would be unhistorical: the whole of Islamic scripture is entirely consistent in denouncing the worship of any "other god" (or what a Vaishnava inclusive-monotheist might call: "God under any other name") as irreconcilable with the worship of Allah.[4]� It necessarily implies hostility to Hinduism as long as Hindus do not worship Allah to the exclusion of all the Hindu gods and to the exclusion of non-theistic worldviews.
��� The second part of the Shahada, that Mohammed is Allah's prophet (assuming that Allah is the almighty Creator of the world), is decidedly untrue.� First of all, it is entirely unproven.� Every single sentence in the Quran can be explained from Mohammed's own socio-cultural background, like any perfectly human product.� Someone rich ought to announce an award for anyone who can find in the Quran a single sentence which proves by its contents that the Almighty had dictated it.� That is what rationalist associations do to expose quack exponents of the paranormal: award a hundred thousand dollars for whomever can demonstrate even a single paranormal fact under foolproof conditions (so far, no one ever collected the prize).
�������� Allah is supposed to be omniscient.� For such a Being it should be very easy to demonstrate some knowledge which is beyond the reach of ordinary human beings like Mohammed, say, being able in 620 AD to predict the events of 2000 AD, or to give the then-unknown chemical formula of water, or to write a then-unknown language including modern Arabic.� This would not be proof of omniscience yet, but at least proof that the Quran is not the handiwork of an ordinary mortal; but nothing of the sort is done in the Quran.� Moreover, the Quran contains many contradictions and inaccuracies, both in terms of modern physical and medical knowledge and in terms of its references to Biblical characters and events, e.g. mistaking Moses' sister Miriam for Jesus' mother Miriam/Mary, though there is a time-gap of more than twelve centuries between the two.� The omniscient Allah, who claims to be the God of Abraham and Moses, had somehow forgotten the details of his interactions with the Hebrew prophets, and while confidently predicting the Doomsday, He was ignorant of the scientific knowledge accumulated by mankind centuries before this Doomsday.
�������� Mohammed's own contemporaries were almost unanimous in dismissing his "revelations" as anything but divine, though they disagreed on whether his problem was demonic possession (as is still taught by some Christian missionaries) or just his imagination run wild.� Modern scholars have analyzed Mohammed's behaviour and "revelations" as typical symptoms of paranoia, while Swami Vivekananda opined that Mohammed suffered from the neuropathological effects of unguided yogic experiments.[5]� At any rate, there is nothing God-given about the Quranic revelation.�
�������� Islam stands or falls with Mohammed's prophethood.� The entire Muslim law is based on it through its four pillars, either directly (Quran and Hadis, the lore about his model behaviour) or indirectly (Qiyas, or analogy of new situations with those in which Mohammed showed the way, and Ijma, the consensus of men well-versed in the former three).� Those who are now Muslims will be free to replace Sharia laws with more humane laws once they emancipate themselves from their veneration for the man on whose words and acts the Sharia is based.� Then alone will they be able in good conscience to drop their hostility to Hinduism.� Moreover, then they themselves will opt for a Comon Civil Code, and they themselves will turn the Kashi and Mathura mosques into temples of Shiva and Krishna, rather than have these changes forced on them by meddlesome Hindus.� So, the Hindutva activists should replace the Common Civil Code and temple agitations, which claim things from the Muslims, with a campaign to reclaim the Muslims themselves, or at least to emancipate them from the grip of Islamic doctrine and leave them free to choose a more humane spiritual path for themselves.
�������� [1]� The victims of the Pakistani repression in East Bengal in 1971 (of whom the big majority were Hindus, while the Bengali Muslims too were killed for anti-Hindu reasons, viz. for being "half-Hindu renegades"), like those of the Sultanate and Moghul regimes, have never been properly counted; careerwise, it is suicidal for a scholar to calculate the magnitude of Islam's crimes against humanity.� The figure of 3 million is probably too high, but as it was given by a Muslim secularist (Bangladesh founder Mujibur Rahman), and as the secularists themselves have thrown their full weight against a proper study of the magnitude of Islamic massacres of Hindus, they cannot fault us for provisionally sticking to it.�
�������� [2]� You wouldn't guess it from their polished convent-school English, their trendy terminology, or their sanctimoniousness, but the likes of Romila Thapar, Irfan Habib or Gyanendra Pandey have blood on their hands.� The wave of Muslim violence after the Ayodhya demolition (and the boomerang of police repression and Shiv Sena retaliation) was at least partly due to the disinformation by supposed experts who denied that the disputed building had a violent iconoclastic prehistory, and implied that Hindus can get away with concocted history in their attacks on innocent mosques.� This disinformation gave Muslim militants the sense of justification needed to mount a "revenge" operation and to mobilize decent Muslims for acts of violence which they never would have committed if they had known the truth about Islam's guilt in Ayodhya.
�������� [3]� In this context, I want to caution against the imprecise use of the term "Semitic" when referring to the Prophetic-monotheistic religions.� Apart from being tainted by the related term "anti-Semitic", it is also hopelessly inaccurate.� Judaism (which is linguistically "Semitic" in that its basic texts are in Hebrew and Aramaic) is a communal religion just like Hinduism and most tribal and traditional religions, not a creedal one like Christianity and Islam.� The Semitic peoples including the Arabs until the 7th century AD and the early Israelites were heathens worshipping goddesses in sacred groves and the like.� The founding texts of Christianity were written in Greek, a non-Semitic language.� Monotheism was brought into Judaism by Moses, culturally an Egyptian, and had already been briefly imposed on the Egyptians by Pharaoh Ekhnaton.
�������� [4]� Allah is given "one hundred names", or rather Arabic epithets, but this does not mean that Isis or Apollo or Shiva will do just as well. �The non-Quranic Persian god-name Khuda did admitteldly manage to sneak into Muslim parlance; but it is no coincidence that with the increasing grip of the theologians on public life in Iran and Pakistan, this term is being phased out in favour of "Allah", e.g. Khuda hafiz, "God preserve you" (for "goodbye") is being replaced on Pakistani television by Allah hafiz.
�������� [5]� See Swami Vivekananda: Complete Works, vol.1, p.184.� The psychopathological thesis on Mohammed has been developed in great detail by Dr. Herman Somers: Een andere Mohammed (Dutch; Hadewijch, Antwerp 1992).
The Hindu Struggle to Resist Muslim Aggression
In the earlier chapter covering the story of Prithviraj Chouhan the last Hindu Ruler of Delhi, we read how Muslim Rule was established at Delhi in the year 1194 C.E.
The very first Muslim attack on India had taken place nearly 500 years earlier in Sindh in the year 715 C.E. These Muslim invaders were Arabs led by Mohammad Bin Qasim. They had displaced Raja Dabir who ruled Sindh from his capital Deval (near modern Karachi). The actual reason for this invasion was that Raja Dabir was aiding the Iranian (Zoroastrian) princes in trying to overthrow the Arab Rule in Persia. This seems to be a fact as many Sassanian nobles from Iran had taken refuge in Sindh and were plotting for the liberation of their country from the Arab yoke. But the pretext given by Arab historians for the Arab invasion of Sindh is that Raja Dabir's navy had detained an Arab merchant ship. To avenge this detention of a merchant ship, the Arabs overran the entire kingdom of Raja Dabir as also the neighbouring kingdom of Mulasthana (Multan). They even unsuccessfully tried to attack Malwa (Malibah in Arab records)!
After this invasion which was limited to Sindh, for a period of 300 years all further Muslim attacks were thwarted by Kings like Raja Bhoja and other Gurjara Kings.
The second surge of the Muslim aggression began in 980 C.E. and lasted till 1020 C.E. This was the time when the Shahi Kings of Punjab grappled with the invaders. By the year 1020 C.E. Muslim rule had been established in Afghanistan, Paktoonistan (NWFP) and West Punjab. These Muslim invasions were led by Mahmud of Ghazni. The Rajputs ruling North India resisted further Muslim aggression.
The third wave of a successful Muslim invasion led by Mahmud Shabuddin Ghori (or Ghauri) took place between 1191 C.E. and 1255 C.E. This was the time the Muslims extended their occupation to Delhi. The lead role in resisting this invasion was played by Prithviraj Chouhan. This Muslim surge brought East Punjab, the Ganges Valley (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) and Bengal under Muslim Occupation. This invasion reached up to Bengal where the last Hindu kingdom ruled by Laxman Sena was overurn by the Muslims. But the Muslims were checked and repelled when they tried to invade Orissa, where the Hindu King Narasimha Deva defeated Tugan Khan who invaded Orissa from Bengal. To commemorate this victory, Narasimha Deva erected the Sun Temple at Konark.
The next surge of the Muslim Invasion was launched from Delhi by Allah-ud-din Khilji in the year 1310 and was led by his general Malik Kafur. This invasion trampled the Hindu Kingdoms of the Yadavas of Devgiri in Maharashtra, the Kakatiyas of Warangal in Andhra Pradesh, the Hoysala of Belur-Halebid in Karnataka and the Pandyas of Madurai in Tamil Nadu. This invasion lasted till the year 1328 and with this invasion, except Orissa and Assam, the whole of India passed under Muslim Occupation.
The Hindu Struggle for Independence against Muslim Tyranny
Thus the struggle of the Hindus to resist the Muslim aggression into India was spread over a period of 600 years from 715 C.E. up to 1328 C.E. This contrasts with the the swift Muslim victories in Persia (Iran) over the Zoroastrian Sassanians and in Mesopotemia, Egypt and North Africa over the Romans (Byzantines). The Muslims could not subjgate India with ease. And even after subjugating different parts of the country, they were never able to rule it enitrely. The next 400 years from 1328 up to 1720 was marked by a valiant and ceaseless struggle for independence by Hindus to deliver India from Muslim tyranny.
This struggle was first led in North India by the Rajputs and then by the Jats, Marathas and Sikhs. In the South this struggle was embodied in the Vijayanagar Empire. This struggle for independence culminated when the Marathas began to bring an end to the Muslim domination of India. The Gurkhas came in later in the 18th century, but their activities also played a role in weakening the Muslim power in North India which was on its last legs in the 18th century. The Gurkha struggle was more with the British East India Company. But more of this later.
The Muslim rulers built on the same Feudal Base* of the Hindu Period…
But the successful aggression of the Muslim invaders did not change the Base of the earlier pre-Muslim society. Base* defined as the land ownership system and the system of making land grants to middlemen (feudal lords) who collected taxes for the higher authority - the king (Sultans of Delhi in the context of the middle ages). The very first act of the Muslim invaders was to pillage the well endowed Hindu temples at Somnath, Thanesar, Mathura, Kannauj; and other places. By this, with one stroke, the riches concentrated in the hands of these temples through many centuries of grants from Hindu rulers, fell into the hands of the Muslim invaders from Ghazni and Ghori.
..But the Muslims Aimed at Totally Destroying the Superstructure** Associated with the Hindu Period
The Muslims aimed to totally destroy the Superstructure associated with the Hindu period. The term Superstructure** which the Muslims aimed at destroying included a wide spectrum of aspects of social life including Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism), language (Sanskrit and its various vernaculars), universities (like Nalanda), traditions of learning (ashramas, gurukulas), architectural symbols (temples, Chaityas, Viharas, Stupas), etc. The policy during the 700 years of Muslim occupation of India was to totally replace the superstructure of the Hindu period with a typical Muslim one.
Towards this end the Muslim invaders undertook the desecration of places of worship, destruction of universities like Nalanda, the wholesale slaughter of the monks and priests to wipe out the intellectual bedrock of the people they overran. Such tyrannical polices which the Muslim rulers folllowed since their rule was established in 1194 C.E. they left a trail of bitterness in the regions which passed under their domination. Hindu tradition survived only in remote corners of the country like in Orissa, Assam and parts of South India.
Contrasts between non-Muslim Invasions and the Muslim Aggression of India
Though the new rulers built upon the same feudal economic foundations of the Hindu period, they aimed at total destruction of the super-structure as it then existed. In the early days of their reign the Muslim rulers unleashed a reign of terror the kind of which India had never experienced before in its history.
Before, the Muslims, India had been invaded by the Greeks (Yavanas), Huns (Hunas), Shakas and Kushanas, but what contrasted their invasions from that of the Muslims was that, after their initial collision with Indian society, the previous invaders were completely absorbed into the existing Indian society. Even the memory of their ever having been foreign invaders was wiped out.
Continue reading at
Hindu History
-The Intervention of Alien rule from 1194 C.E. up to 1947 C.E.
By Sudheer Birodkar
Table of Contents
The very first Muslim attack on India had taken place nearly 500 years earlier in Sindh in the year 715 C.E. These Muslim invaders were Arabs led by Mohammad Bin Qasim. They had displaced Raja Dabir who ruled Sindh from his capital Deval (near modern Karachi). The actual reason for this invasion was that Raja Dabir was aiding the Iranian (Zoroastrian) princes in trying to overthrow the Arab Rule in Persia. This seems to be a fact as many Sassanian nobles from Iran had taken refuge in Sindh and were plotting for the liberation of their country from the Arab yoke. But the pretext given by Arab historians for the Arab invasion of Sindh is that Raja Dabir's navy had detained an Arab merchant ship. To avenge this detention of a merchant ship, the Arabs overran the entire kingdom of Raja Dabir as also the neighbouring kingdom of Mulasthana (Multan). They even unsuccessfully tried to attack Malwa (Malibah in Arab records)!
After this invasion which was limited to Sindh, for a period of 300 years all further Muslim attacks were thwarted by Kings like Raja Bhoja and other Gurjara Kings.
The second surge of the Muslim aggression began in 980 C.E. and lasted till 1020 C.E. This was the time when the Shahi Kings of Punjab grappled with the invaders. By the year 1020 C.E. Muslim rule had been established in Afghanistan, Paktoonistan (NWFP) and West Punjab. These Muslim invasions were led by Mahmud of Ghazni. The Rajputs ruling North India resisted further Muslim aggression.
The third wave of a successful Muslim invasion led by Mahmud Shabuddin Ghori (or Ghauri) took place between 1191 C.E. and 1255 C.E. This was the time the Muslims extended their occupation to Delhi. The lead role in resisting this invasion was played by Prithviraj Chouhan. This Muslim surge brought East Punjab, the Ganges Valley (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) and Bengal under Muslim Occupation. This invasion reached up to Bengal where the last Hindu kingdom ruled by Laxman Sena was overurn by the Muslims. But the Muslims were checked and repelled when they tried to invade Orissa, where the Hindu King Narasimha Deva defeated Tugan Khan who invaded Orissa from Bengal. To commemorate this victory, Narasimha Deva erected the Sun Temple at Konark.
The next surge of the Muslim Invasion was launched from Delhi by Allah-ud-din Khilji in the year 1310 and was led by his general Malik Kafur. This invasion trampled the Hindu Kingdoms of the Yadavas of Devgiri in Maharashtra, the Kakatiyas of Warangal in Andhra Pradesh, the Hoysala of Belur-Halebid in Karnataka and the Pandyas of Madurai in Tamil Nadu. This invasion lasted till the year 1328 and with this invasion, except Orissa and Assam, the whole of India passed under Muslim Occupation.
The Hindu Struggle for Independence against Muslim Tyranny
Thus the struggle of the Hindus to resist the Muslim aggression into India was spread over a period of 600 years from 715 C.E. up to 1328 C.E. This contrasts with the the swift Muslim victories in Persia (Iran) over the Zoroastrian Sassanians and in Mesopotemia, Egypt and North Africa over the Romans (Byzantines). The Muslims could not subjgate India with ease. And even after subjugating different parts of the country, they were never able to rule it enitrely. The next 400 years from 1328 up to 1720 was marked by a valiant and ceaseless struggle for independence by Hindus to deliver India from Muslim tyranny.
This struggle was first led in North India by the Rajputs and then by the Jats, Marathas and Sikhs. In the South this struggle was embodied in the Vijayanagar Empire. This struggle for independence culminated when the Marathas began to bring an end to the Muslim domination of India. The Gurkhas came in later in the 18th century, but their activities also played a role in weakening the Muslim power in North India which was on its last legs in the 18th century. The Gurkha struggle was more with the British East India Company. But more of this later.
The Muslim rulers built on the same Feudal Base* of the Hindu Period…
But the successful aggression of the Muslim invaders did not change the Base of the earlier pre-Muslim society. Base* defined as the land ownership system and the system of making land grants to middlemen (feudal lords) who collected taxes for the higher authority - the king (Sultans of Delhi in the context of the middle ages). The very first act of the Muslim invaders was to pillage the well endowed Hindu temples at Somnath, Thanesar, Mathura, Kannauj; and other places. By this, with one stroke, the riches concentrated in the hands of these temples through many centuries of grants from Hindu rulers, fell into the hands of the Muslim invaders from Ghazni and Ghori.
..But the Muslims Aimed at Totally Destroying the Superstructure** Associated with the Hindu Period
The Muslims aimed to totally destroy the Superstructure associated with the Hindu period. The term Superstructure** which the Muslims aimed at destroying included a wide spectrum of aspects of social life including Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism), language (Sanskrit and its various vernaculars), universities (like Nalanda), traditions of learning (ashramas, gurukulas), architectural symbols (temples, Chaityas, Viharas, Stupas), etc. The policy during the 700 years of Muslim occupation of India was to totally replace the superstructure of the Hindu period with a typical Muslim one.
Towards this end the Muslim invaders undertook the desecration of places of worship, destruction of universities like Nalanda, the wholesale slaughter of the monks and priests to wipe out the intellectual bedrock of the people they overran. Such tyrannical polices which the Muslim rulers folllowed since their rule was established in 1194 C.E. they left a trail of bitterness in the regions which passed under their domination. Hindu tradition survived only in remote corners of the country like in Orissa, Assam and parts of South India.
Contrasts between non-Muslim Invasions and the Muslim Aggression of India
Though the new rulers built upon the same feudal economic foundations of the Hindu period, they aimed at total destruction of the super-structure as it then existed. In the early days of their reign the Muslim rulers unleashed a reign of terror the kind of which India had never experienced before in its history.
Before, the Muslims, India had been invaded by the Greeks (Yavanas), Huns (Hunas), Shakas and Kushanas, but what contrasted their invasions from that of the Muslims was that, after their initial collision with Indian society, the previous invaders were completely absorbed into the existing Indian society. Even the memory of their ever having been foreign invaders was wiped out.
Continue reading at
Hindu History
-The Intervention of Alien rule from 1194 C.E. up to 1947 C.E.
By Sudheer Birodkar
Table of Contents
Friday, November 14, 2008
Jews and Hindus unite against Islamic Terror
from FactsOfIsrael.com News, Comments and Links
[First published in 2002, this post and article contain points still valid today]
Forward magazine (http://factsofisrael.com/blog/archives/www.forward.com) has published an article that shows how Jews and Hindus are becoming partners in the war against Islamic terrorism:
Mirroring close ties between India and Israel, Jewish organizations have begun assisting Indian-American groups in their efforts to become a potent force in both domestic and foreign policy.
Leaders from the two communities have been coming together in recent months to discuss hate-crimes legislation and political activism. A major catalyst for the cooperation, however, is the perception that both communities face a common enemy in Muslim extremism. [...]
"We're fighting the same extremist enemy," said the capital region director of the American Jewish Congress, Charles Brooks, referring to Jews and Indian Americans. "We want to help them become more effective in communicating their political will."
Brooks is working closely with the Indian American Political Action Committee, or INAPAC, a new organization that has just been formed, primarily by Indian Americans from New Jersey. Brooks is helping the new organization develop relations with the U.S. Congress and other political leaders.
I [David Melle] copy the full article below.
Pro-Israel Activists Seeking Allies Among Immigrants From India
AIPAC, Others Stress Threat of Muslim Extremism in Outreach Bid to America's 1.6 Million South Asian Hindus
By LARRY RAMER - FORWARD CORRESPONDENT http://www.forward.com/issues/2002/02.10.11/news9.html
EAST WINDSOR, N.J. — Mirroring close ties between India and Israel, Jewish organizations have begun assisting Indian-American groups in their efforts to become a potent force in both domestic and foreign policy.
Leaders from the two communities have been coming together in recent months to discuss hate-crimes legislation and political activism. A major catalyst for the cooperation, however, is the perception that both communities face a common enemy in Muslim extremism.
Early this year, with Israel in its second year of fighting the Palestinian uprising and India in a tense military standoff with Pakistan over Muslim separatists in Kashmir, the two countries agreed to increase military cooperation. India and Israel have built a close economic and strategic relationship in recent years, with bilateral trade reaching $2 billion annually.
At the same time, India has moved closer to the United States, especially in the areas of counter-terrorism and defense cooperation.
"We're fighting the same extremist enemy," said the capital region director of the American Jewish Congress, Charles Brooks, referring to Jews and Indian Americans. "We want to help them become more effective in communicating their political will."
Brooks is working closely with the Indian American Political Action Committee, or INAPAC, a new organization that has just been formed, primarily by Indian Americans from New Jersey. Brooks is helping the new organization develop relations with the U.S. Congress and other political leaders.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the American Jewish Committee are also drawing on their considerable lobbying experience in helping Indian groups, representing a community of some 1.6 million, to learn how to flex their political muscle.
Last July, AJCommittee held a seminar on political activism in Washington for the Indian American Center for Political Awareness, an important Washington D.C.-based advocacy group.
"We shared with them the Jewish approach to political activism," said Ann Schaffer, the director of the AJCommittee's Belfer Center for American Pluralism. "We want to give them the tools to further their political agenda."
AJCommittee is planning a similar seminar on October 29 in New York City; 50-100 Indian-American activists are expected to attend. Several Indian Americans traveled to Israel last June as guests of the AJCommittee, meeting with a wide variety of Israeli government and military representatives.
AJCommittee's executive director, David Harris, will address the National Federation of Indian American Associations' biannual conference next month, where he will speak on global terrorism and the relationship between India, Israel and the United States.
"India is building a close relationship with Israel and America, which we certainly want to encourage and support, because it's good for Israel and it's good for America," Schaffer said.
AIPAC representatives have offered advice to Indian groups, at conferences and informally. The pro-Israel lobbying group has shared its knowledge on how to lobby members of Congress and raise money, according to Jeffrey Colman, the organization's senior lobbyist.
In addition, India's ambassador to the United States, Lalit Mansingh, attended a luncheon AIPAC hosted for 120 of its donors last April. "We can build a partnership, learn from each other, and both advance each other's agenda," Colman said.
"When India, Israel and the U.S. are under attack by extremists, there's a great deal of common ground and common interest in opposing them," Colman added. Although AIPAC is not currently working with Indian groups on advocating specific legislation, there could be such opportunities in the future, Colman added. "The Jewish community needs broad support for its issues and coalition-building is important to us," he said.
There is also room for cooperation on domestic issues, according to the representatives of the Indian and Jewish groups. Local AJCommittee chapters have worked with Indian groups on hate-crime and immigration issues. Jesal Amin, the chairman of the board of trustees of INAPAC, said he has worked with Jewish groups in combating hate crimes for over a decade.
Paul Goldenberg, president of The National Public Safety Learning Center, which consults with Jewish organizations on security matters, is now advising INAPAC on developing a hate-crimes policy and criteria for assessing political candidates' positions on the issue.
Goldenberg, the former head of the New Jersey state attorney general's bias-crime unit, said he is also helping INAPAC encourage American law enforcement officials to work with their Indian counterparts in the war against terrorism. "People don't realize that India is at the forefront of the war against terrorism," Goldenberg said, referring to the country's problems with separatist Muslim militants in the disputed province of Kashmir.
Activists from both communities also see cultural affinities between them, including a heavy push for higher education and the professions. "We have made the American dream come true. Many Indians are professionals," Amin said. "One of the reasons for working together with the Jewish community is that we are so similar in terms of education, and from an economic point of view." Like Jewish Americans, Indian Americans are concentrated in several parts of the country, residing primarily in New York, New Jersey, Texas and California, Amin added, with most Indians arriving in America in the last decade.
All of the major New Jersey Indian-American cultural and business associations, as well as several such associations in New York, are backing INAPAC, Amin said. He added that the organization expected to raise some $90,000 at its first fund-raiser in two weeks. Sreenath Sreenivasan, a co-founder of the South Asian Journalists Association, said an organization with widespread support in New Jersey will have substantial clout within the Indian community.
INAPAC and the Indian American Center for Political Awareness, however, appear to differ on how closely they will cooperate with Jewish groups on international issues. Amin said that the terrorists who target Israel are interconnected with the Muslim terrorist groups operating elsewhere in the Middle East and South Asia, and indicated that his organization would work with Jewish organizations in backing anti-terrorism legislation and pro-Israel and pro-Indian candidates.
By contrast, Kapil Sharma, a consultant for the Indian American Center on Political Awareness, sees the situations in Israel and South Asia largely as separate issues. "We should be educated about each other's issues, so we can talk about Kashmir and Palestine, and challenge misconceptions about them when they arise, but we won't pick up each other's agendas, we won't be actively fighting for Israel," he said.
Colman, the AIPAC senior lobbyist who has worked with Sharma, said he wasn't bothered by Sharma's position, because "we're looking to work with them on common interests in a general way and we're not asking for their backing on specific legislation."
Posted by David Melle
[First published in 2002, this post and article contain points still valid today]
Forward magazine (http://factsofisrael.com/blog/archives/www.forward.com) has published an article that shows how Jews and Hindus are becoming partners in the war against Islamic terrorism:
Mirroring close ties between India and Israel, Jewish organizations have begun assisting Indian-American groups in their efforts to become a potent force in both domestic and foreign policy.
Leaders from the two communities have been coming together in recent months to discuss hate-crimes legislation and political activism. A major catalyst for the cooperation, however, is the perception that both communities face a common enemy in Muslim extremism. [...]
"We're fighting the same extremist enemy," said the capital region director of the American Jewish Congress, Charles Brooks, referring to Jews and Indian Americans. "We want to help them become more effective in communicating their political will."
Brooks is working closely with the Indian American Political Action Committee, or INAPAC, a new organization that has just been formed, primarily by Indian Americans from New Jersey. Brooks is helping the new organization develop relations with the U.S. Congress and other political leaders.
I [David Melle] copy the full article below.
Pro-Israel Activists Seeking Allies Among Immigrants From India
AIPAC, Others Stress Threat of Muslim Extremism in Outreach Bid to America's 1.6 Million South Asian Hindus
By LARRY RAMER - FORWARD CORRESPONDENT http://www.forward.com/issues/2002/02.10.11/news9.html
EAST WINDSOR, N.J. — Mirroring close ties between India and Israel, Jewish organizations have begun assisting Indian-American groups in their efforts to become a potent force in both domestic and foreign policy.
Leaders from the two communities have been coming together in recent months to discuss hate-crimes legislation and political activism. A major catalyst for the cooperation, however, is the perception that both communities face a common enemy in Muslim extremism.
Early this year, with Israel in its second year of fighting the Palestinian uprising and India in a tense military standoff with Pakistan over Muslim separatists in Kashmir, the two countries agreed to increase military cooperation. India and Israel have built a close economic and strategic relationship in recent years, with bilateral trade reaching $2 billion annually.
At the same time, India has moved closer to the United States, especially in the areas of counter-terrorism and defense cooperation.
"We're fighting the same extremist enemy," said the capital region director of the American Jewish Congress, Charles Brooks, referring to Jews and Indian Americans. "We want to help them become more effective in communicating their political will."
Brooks is working closely with the Indian American Political Action Committee, or INAPAC, a new organization that has just been formed, primarily by Indian Americans from New Jersey. Brooks is helping the new organization develop relations with the U.S. Congress and other political leaders.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the American Jewish Committee are also drawing on their considerable lobbying experience in helping Indian groups, representing a community of some 1.6 million, to learn how to flex their political muscle.
Last July, AJCommittee held a seminar on political activism in Washington for the Indian American Center for Political Awareness, an important Washington D.C.-based advocacy group.
"We shared with them the Jewish approach to political activism," said Ann Schaffer, the director of the AJCommittee's Belfer Center for American Pluralism. "We want to give them the tools to further their political agenda."
AJCommittee is planning a similar seminar on October 29 in New York City; 50-100 Indian-American activists are expected to attend. Several Indian Americans traveled to Israel last June as guests of the AJCommittee, meeting with a wide variety of Israeli government and military representatives.
AJCommittee's executive director, David Harris, will address the National Federation of Indian American Associations' biannual conference next month, where he will speak on global terrorism and the relationship between India, Israel and the United States.
"India is building a close relationship with Israel and America, which we certainly want to encourage and support, because it's good for Israel and it's good for America," Schaffer said.
AIPAC representatives have offered advice to Indian groups, at conferences and informally. The pro-Israel lobbying group has shared its knowledge on how to lobby members of Congress and raise money, according to Jeffrey Colman, the organization's senior lobbyist.
In addition, India's ambassador to the United States, Lalit Mansingh, attended a luncheon AIPAC hosted for 120 of its donors last April. "We can build a partnership, learn from each other, and both advance each other's agenda," Colman said.
"When India, Israel and the U.S. are under attack by extremists, there's a great deal of common ground and common interest in opposing them," Colman added. Although AIPAC is not currently working with Indian groups on advocating specific legislation, there could be such opportunities in the future, Colman added. "The Jewish community needs broad support for its issues and coalition-building is important to us," he said.
There is also room for cooperation on domestic issues, according to the representatives of the Indian and Jewish groups. Local AJCommittee chapters have worked with Indian groups on hate-crime and immigration issues. Jesal Amin, the chairman of the board of trustees of INAPAC, said he has worked with Jewish groups in combating hate crimes for over a decade.
Paul Goldenberg, president of The National Public Safety Learning Center, which consults with Jewish organizations on security matters, is now advising INAPAC on developing a hate-crimes policy and criteria for assessing political candidates' positions on the issue.
Goldenberg, the former head of the New Jersey state attorney general's bias-crime unit, said he is also helping INAPAC encourage American law enforcement officials to work with their Indian counterparts in the war against terrorism. "People don't realize that India is at the forefront of the war against terrorism," Goldenberg said, referring to the country's problems with separatist Muslim militants in the disputed province of Kashmir.
Activists from both communities also see cultural affinities between them, including a heavy push for higher education and the professions. "We have made the American dream come true. Many Indians are professionals," Amin said. "One of the reasons for working together with the Jewish community is that we are so similar in terms of education, and from an economic point of view." Like Jewish Americans, Indian Americans are concentrated in several parts of the country, residing primarily in New York, New Jersey, Texas and California, Amin added, with most Indians arriving in America in the last decade.
All of the major New Jersey Indian-American cultural and business associations, as well as several such associations in New York, are backing INAPAC, Amin said. He added that the organization expected to raise some $90,000 at its first fund-raiser in two weeks. Sreenath Sreenivasan, a co-founder of the South Asian Journalists Association, said an organization with widespread support in New Jersey will have substantial clout within the Indian community.
INAPAC and the Indian American Center for Political Awareness, however, appear to differ on how closely they will cooperate with Jewish groups on international issues. Amin said that the terrorists who target Israel are interconnected with the Muslim terrorist groups operating elsewhere in the Middle East and South Asia, and indicated that his organization would work with Jewish organizations in backing anti-terrorism legislation and pro-Israel and pro-Indian candidates.
By contrast, Kapil Sharma, a consultant for the Indian American Center on Political Awareness, sees the situations in Israel and South Asia largely as separate issues. "We should be educated about each other's issues, so we can talk about Kashmir and Palestine, and challenge misconceptions about them when they arise, but we won't pick up each other's agendas, we won't be actively fighting for Israel," he said.
Colman, the AIPAC senior lobbyist who has worked with Sharma, said he wasn't bothered by Sharma's position, because "we're looking to work with them on common interests in a general way and we're not asking for their backing on specific legislation."
Posted by David Melle
The saga of Islamic atrocities in Ahmedabad
Title: The saga of Islamic atrocities in Ahmedabad
Author: Nikhil Patwardhan
Date: Mar 16, 2002
Let me tell you the story of a beautiful city state. This city was built on the banks of a sacred river. So rich and bountiful was the harvest that was nurtured by the waters of this river that the river itself was named "Sabarmati" meaning "The provider of nectar". Along the banks of this river many sacred spots of pilgrimage flourished. The presiding deity of this rich and beautiful city was Devi Bhadrakali, the divine protectress of good Karma. The people in and around this city were such devout Hindus that they built thousands of temples and shrines dedicated to the divine couple Lord Shiva and Devi. Nowhere else was the nine day festival of Devi, the "NavaRatri" celebrated with such pomp and splendor. Colorful Garbas to the accompaniment of Bhajans filled the air.Intricate carvings, sumptuous embroidered cloths, jewelry, foodstuffs, cotton, precious stones all added to the wealth of the city, which soon became famous for its tradition of trade or business.
Lord Kartikeya the son of the divine couple himself was moved to visit this place, when he heard accounts of the spiritual depth and beauty of this city and its citizens. The grand wise sages, the SaptaRishis too came to visit the city and stayed at a spot where Sabarmati merged with six other rivers in a place called the Saptasangam meaning "The Union of Seven Rivers". It was here that young Lord Krishna rested on his way to the famous Shiva temple of Siddhanath for his "Mundan" (tonsure) ceremony. It was here that the Pandavas rested on their way to the "Swayamvara" competition near the ancient Trinetreshwar Mahadeva Temple of Panchal Pradesh. That was where the heroic Arjuna of the Mahabharata won the competition that won Draupadi for the Pandavas. Such was the resplendent and sacred heritage of this ancient city known as Ashaval, Rajnagar or Karnavati.
Today that city is called Ahmedabad.
Karnavati's name was changed to "Ahmedabad" in honor of a monster by the name of Sultan Ahmed Shah who came to rob and desecrate this beautiful city in 1411. Overnight the thousands of books and manuscripts which spoke of the wondrous Karnavati were burnt to ashes and it's identity desecrated to Ahmedabad - "City of Ahmed" in an obscene gesture of assertion of power. Sultan Ahmed Shah, the devout Muslim that he was, swore to destroy all traces of "Kafir" (Non Muslim) worship in the land, for the sake of Allah. In Islam it is the religious duty of every Muslim to destroy any place which promotes "Ignorance" meaning any religion other than Islam. In 1414, Ahmed Shah appointed officers to break the idols and strip the riches off every Hindu temple in the vicinity.
In 1415, Sultan Ahmed Shah himself went to Siddhapur to break the Shiva shrine of Rudramahalaya of Siddharaj. The broken pieces were buried underfoot at the entrance and the vast and beautiful Temple was converted into a Mosque. The ancient Bhadrakali Temple at the heart of Karnavati, was desecrated also completely. Idols of the Devi were crushed and broken and buried under the doorstep. Tantric patterns which decorated the friezes and pillars were chipped off. The golden ceiling which was lined with rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds and jade was stripped completely. The Sanctum Sanctorum where throne pedestals once held images of the benevolent and glorious goddess, was converted into a graveyard. The thrones of the Goddess were used as gravestones. One of the rising spires of the roof was broken off as it was completely covered with carvings of various Shaktis. And since that day the Bhadrakali temple of Karnavati was changed to the Jama Masjid of Ahmedabad.
The walled fortresses and palaces, the Hindu towers which were engineering marvels that shook, the local specialty of incredibly intricate carving skill, the artisanship of stone cutting, the vast Baolis where accountants sat amidst the breeze cooled by the sweet waters of the well, all of these were snatched and converted to Mosques and Muslim palaces for the pleasure of the Sultan's court. Thousands of the Hindu citizens of Karnavati were massacred or enslaved. Rani Sipri and Rupmati both of who were local princesses were forcibly kidnapped, raped and thrown into Harems. To this day their temple palaces are known by their names, but sadly referred to as Mosques. Muslims soon filled the entire walled fortress area of the city which used to be called "Bhadra" in reference to BhadraKali. The disillusioned Hindus of Ahmedabad had no choice but to reconcile themselves to living with their neighbors.
But soon the Hindus found that they could no longer practise their own faith peacefully within the very city which had been created and nurtured by their hard work. The history of Ahmedabad is riddled with instances of Islamic intolerance forcing the Hindus to defend themselves.
In 1713 , the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" were celebrating Holi, when suddenly they were rudely startled by the agonized sounds of Cows being slaughtered in a deliberate attempt to insult and denigrate the sacred festival by Muslims. Bloody Riots soon erupted when hundreds of innocent Hindus were slaughtered by the Muslims.
In 1892, Muslims deliberately led their Moharram procession through the Hindu quarters of "Ahmedabad", in the process splattering the blood of sacrificed animals all over the shocked Hindus. As the outraged Hindus protested, the Muslims attacked women and children and forcibly rubbed the blood onto their faces while thrusting pieces of meat down their throats.
In September of 1927, Hindus were singing Bhajans in the Temple during Janamashtmi. Suddenly Muslims began pouring out of Jama Masjid and shouting against the Hindus for interrupting the Namaz. Rocks and glass bottles were thrown at the Hindus in the temple as passerby's throats were slashed. The result was a full scale communal riot.
In 1941 the Muslims of "Ahmedabad" set fire to the entire Maneckchowk bazaar, because a Hindu businessman was not willing to lower his prices under threat of extortion from local Muslims. Chemicals were poured all over the Bazaar in what was obviously a planned operation and then set ablaze. Many Hindu families were burnt alive and hundreds rendered homeless in addition to an incredible amount of loss of property.
In 1946 the Muslim league gave a call for liberation from India. Thousands of Muslims poured out into the streets in order to teach the Hindus a lesson. "Ahmedabad" burned for three days, as shops were plundered, women's throats slashed, men mutilated and Temples looted and destroyed by rampaging Muslim mobs.
In 1953 Ganesh Chaturthi happened to coincide with Moharram. When Hindus took out processions, they were splattered with blood from animal sacrifices and told to go home or face the consequences. They were blocked from taking processions through the Muslim areas of the city. Naturally the enraged Hindus retaliated.
In 1963 a Hindu girl was raped and badly mutilated by four Muslims in Junagarh. When Hindus demanded that the culprits be punished, the Muslims threatened them with dire consequences. Angered Hindus tried to catch the criminals to take them to the police, in response the Muslims erupted in large scale rioting. The violence spread to other cities all over Gujarat including "Ahmedabad".
In 1969 Muslims came out and attacked the Jagannath Temple during the Rath Yatra festival. The idol was damaged and scores of Hindus were injured by the marauding Muslim hordes. A priest was also killed and the angered Hindus retaliated.
Year after Year the Muslim community of "Ahmedabad" pelts the participants of the Annual Rath Yatra with stones and rocks. When Hindus retaliate, engineered riots ensue immediately. The obvious motivation of the Muslims is to provoke and insult the Hindus to make them feel powerless in their own city. It is largely this repetitive, constant provocation by the Muslim community, that has made the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" bring BJP to power. Congress governments over the past decades have not only ignored the provocation by Muslim elements, but even financed many institutions which are used to shelter and breed terrorists of this type.
On March 24, 1998 a huge cache of arms, ammunition and explosives were recovered from Gandhinagar and Dariyapur locality of Ahmedabad. The weapons were supplied by Pakistan's ISI to the Muslim gangs which lived in Changez Pol and Sadar areas of Ahmedabad. The complicity of the Muslim community with the ISI's designs was confirmed when protests by Muslims followed the arrest of Latif and Razzaq Abdul Wahab gangmembers.
On October 13, 1998, a plot to assassinate Union Home Minister Shri L.K. Advani and Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel, was foiled when the Muslim culprit was caught. The culprit Abu Kasem alias Ajmal related that his orders came from Pakistan's ISI and that he had been sheltered in the home of a well known Muslim businessman of "Ahemedabad" city. The weapons and explosives for the attempt were being kept in a Mosque by another ISI agent named Bablu or Usman.
As the Kargil conflict came to an end this July, many patriotic Amdavadis wanted to express their joy and celebration at the Victory of the Indian Armed Forces. In addition the ignominious defeat of Pakistan at the hands of India and later Australia during the World Cup Cricket series,
motivated the citizens to celebrate with even more enthusiasm. Naturally nationalistic fervor was at an all time high and parades were taken out to salute the Kargil martyrs as well as to denounce the Pakistanis. Effigies of Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif were burnt as cries of "Pakistan Hai Hai" and "Bharat Mata ki Jai" rent the air. It was these celebrations that supposedly "offended and angered" the Muslims.
What could possibly be offensive about these celebrations? Any Indian who loves his/her country would add their voice to the chorus. Should the citizens of India be expected to shout slogans in support of Pakistan's Jihadis now?? Instead of joining in as any nationalistic Indian should, the Muslim community of "Ahmedabad" started throwing stones at the celebrations. Cries of hatred against "Kafir Hindustan Murdabad" and "Pakistan Zindabad" filled the air within the walled city, where Muslims predominate. It was natural for the Hindus to be outraged and infuriated at this response.
Last week as the Hindus of 'Ahmedabad" took out their annual Rath Yatra procession, they were stoned yet again by Muslims. Acid bulbs were also thrown at the women and children in the procession in order to disrupt it. It was obvious that the Muslims wanted to retaliate for the Kargil parades. As the procession wound its way through the walled city, sporadic incidences of stabbing started happening. On July 21, a Hindu visitor Nageswara Rao was stabbed in Kalupur. He died the same day. Violence then erupted in the Muslim areas within the walled city such as Kalupur, Dariapur, Shahpur, Raipur, Karanj and Shahlam where stone throwing and arson was reported. On July 24, the Muslims claimed that they had found a boy's body with stab wounds, as a result they went on a stabbing spree, killing four Hindus in cold blood.
As Police curfew was imposed, tensions increased. Hundreds of instances of stabbing, looting, arson and stone throwing were reported as irate Muslim mobs descended in hundreds upon innocent passersby. Hindus retaliated with full force. They were further infuriated by the fact that the Police began arresting the Hindus instead of the Muslim culprits who were instigating the violence. Over seven people have been killed and forty injured. Of these five of the dead and almost all the injured are Hindus.
Even as the Bharati Majlis(a Muslim Organization) and members of the Congress Party started screaming about the culpability of "Extremist Hindu elements", the Police unearthed a bomb-manufacturing unit inside a closed textile mill in the Saraspur area. As many as 90 petrol bombs, a huge quantity of raw material and empty shells of hand grenades were seized from the spot. The Saraspur Police had received information that following an attack on Jalampur-ni-chawl, Muslims were getting ready explosives which were to be used to attack Hindus.
The Muslims were using used soft drinks bottles and liquor for making the bombs. An igniting strip was to be attached to the tip of the bottle after filling it with the explosive solution.
How can the Hindu citizens of a city feel safe in such a hostile environment? They are being deprived of their right to practise their religion, culture and tradition in their own city and country. The riots have been deliberately planned to drive out the Hindu residents of "Ahmedabad" out of fear. The only beneficiaries to such a situation would be the Congress, Shankarsingh Vaghela and the Muslim elements of "Ahmedabad".
Even as cries of denouncement against the "Hindu fundamentalists" fill the air throughout the "Secular" politics and media of India, it is time for the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" and innumerable other Indian cities which have been robbed of their culture, to realize that the problem is NOT temporary. The only way to defeat these dark forces that threaten to overwhelm democracy is by ensuring that they don't come to power.
For the Hindu citizens of what was once the glorious city of Karnavati, there is only one weapon left in their defense; Their Vote.
Author: Nikhil Patwardhan
Date: Mar 16, 2002
Let me tell you the story of a beautiful city state. This city was built on the banks of a sacred river. So rich and bountiful was the harvest that was nurtured by the waters of this river that the river itself was named "Sabarmati" meaning "The provider of nectar". Along the banks of this river many sacred spots of pilgrimage flourished. The presiding deity of this rich and beautiful city was Devi Bhadrakali, the divine protectress of good Karma. The people in and around this city were such devout Hindus that they built thousands of temples and shrines dedicated to the divine couple Lord Shiva and Devi. Nowhere else was the nine day festival of Devi, the "NavaRatri" celebrated with such pomp and splendor. Colorful Garbas to the accompaniment of Bhajans filled the air.Intricate carvings, sumptuous embroidered cloths, jewelry, foodstuffs, cotton, precious stones all added to the wealth of the city, which soon became famous for its tradition of trade or business.
Lord Kartikeya the son of the divine couple himself was moved to visit this place, when he heard accounts of the spiritual depth and beauty of this city and its citizens. The grand wise sages, the SaptaRishis too came to visit the city and stayed at a spot where Sabarmati merged with six other rivers in a place called the Saptasangam meaning "The Union of Seven Rivers". It was here that young Lord Krishna rested on his way to the famous Shiva temple of Siddhanath for his "Mundan" (tonsure) ceremony. It was here that the Pandavas rested on their way to the "Swayamvara" competition near the ancient Trinetreshwar Mahadeva Temple of Panchal Pradesh. That was where the heroic Arjuna of the Mahabharata won the competition that won Draupadi for the Pandavas. Such was the resplendent and sacred heritage of this ancient city known as Ashaval, Rajnagar or Karnavati.
Today that city is called Ahmedabad.
Karnavati's name was changed to "Ahmedabad" in honor of a monster by the name of Sultan Ahmed Shah who came to rob and desecrate this beautiful city in 1411. Overnight the thousands of books and manuscripts which spoke of the wondrous Karnavati were burnt to ashes and it's identity desecrated to Ahmedabad - "City of Ahmed" in an obscene gesture of assertion of power. Sultan Ahmed Shah, the devout Muslim that he was, swore to destroy all traces of "Kafir" (Non Muslim) worship in the land, for the sake of Allah. In Islam it is the religious duty of every Muslim to destroy any place which promotes "Ignorance" meaning any religion other than Islam. In 1414, Ahmed Shah appointed officers to break the idols and strip the riches off every Hindu temple in the vicinity.
In 1415, Sultan Ahmed Shah himself went to Siddhapur to break the Shiva shrine of Rudramahalaya of Siddharaj. The broken pieces were buried underfoot at the entrance and the vast and beautiful Temple was converted into a Mosque. The ancient Bhadrakali Temple at the heart of Karnavati, was desecrated also completely. Idols of the Devi were crushed and broken and buried under the doorstep. Tantric patterns which decorated the friezes and pillars were chipped off. The golden ceiling which was lined with rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds and jade was stripped completely. The Sanctum Sanctorum where throne pedestals once held images of the benevolent and glorious goddess, was converted into a graveyard. The thrones of the Goddess were used as gravestones. One of the rising spires of the roof was broken off as it was completely covered with carvings of various Shaktis. And since that day the Bhadrakali temple of Karnavati was changed to the Jama Masjid of Ahmedabad.
The walled fortresses and palaces, the Hindu towers which were engineering marvels that shook, the local specialty of incredibly intricate carving skill, the artisanship of stone cutting, the vast Baolis where accountants sat amidst the breeze cooled by the sweet waters of the well, all of these were snatched and converted to Mosques and Muslim palaces for the pleasure of the Sultan's court. Thousands of the Hindu citizens of Karnavati were massacred or enslaved. Rani Sipri and Rupmati both of who were local princesses were forcibly kidnapped, raped and thrown into Harems. To this day their temple palaces are known by their names, but sadly referred to as Mosques. Muslims soon filled the entire walled fortress area of the city which used to be called "Bhadra" in reference to BhadraKali. The disillusioned Hindus of Ahmedabad had no choice but to reconcile themselves to living with their neighbors.
But soon the Hindus found that they could no longer practise their own faith peacefully within the very city which had been created and nurtured by their hard work. The history of Ahmedabad is riddled with instances of Islamic intolerance forcing the Hindus to defend themselves.
In 1713 , the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" were celebrating Holi, when suddenly they were rudely startled by the agonized sounds of Cows being slaughtered in a deliberate attempt to insult and denigrate the sacred festival by Muslims. Bloody Riots soon erupted when hundreds of innocent Hindus were slaughtered by the Muslims.
In 1892, Muslims deliberately led their Moharram procession through the Hindu quarters of "Ahmedabad", in the process splattering the blood of sacrificed animals all over the shocked Hindus. As the outraged Hindus protested, the Muslims attacked women and children and forcibly rubbed the blood onto their faces while thrusting pieces of meat down their throats.
In September of 1927, Hindus were singing Bhajans in the Temple during Janamashtmi. Suddenly Muslims began pouring out of Jama Masjid and shouting against the Hindus for interrupting the Namaz. Rocks and glass bottles were thrown at the Hindus in the temple as passerby's throats were slashed. The result was a full scale communal riot.
In 1941 the Muslims of "Ahmedabad" set fire to the entire Maneckchowk bazaar, because a Hindu businessman was not willing to lower his prices under threat of extortion from local Muslims. Chemicals were poured all over the Bazaar in what was obviously a planned operation and then set ablaze. Many Hindu families were burnt alive and hundreds rendered homeless in addition to an incredible amount of loss of property.
In 1946 the Muslim league gave a call for liberation from India. Thousands of Muslims poured out into the streets in order to teach the Hindus a lesson. "Ahmedabad" burned for three days, as shops were plundered, women's throats slashed, men mutilated and Temples looted and destroyed by rampaging Muslim mobs.
In 1953 Ganesh Chaturthi happened to coincide with Moharram. When Hindus took out processions, they were splattered with blood from animal sacrifices and told to go home or face the consequences. They were blocked from taking processions through the Muslim areas of the city. Naturally the enraged Hindus retaliated.
In 1963 a Hindu girl was raped and badly mutilated by four Muslims in Junagarh. When Hindus demanded that the culprits be punished, the Muslims threatened them with dire consequences. Angered Hindus tried to catch the criminals to take them to the police, in response the Muslims erupted in large scale rioting. The violence spread to other cities all over Gujarat including "Ahmedabad".
In 1969 Muslims came out and attacked the Jagannath Temple during the Rath Yatra festival. The idol was damaged and scores of Hindus were injured by the marauding Muslim hordes. A priest was also killed and the angered Hindus retaliated.
Year after Year the Muslim community of "Ahmedabad" pelts the participants of the Annual Rath Yatra with stones and rocks. When Hindus retaliate, engineered riots ensue immediately. The obvious motivation of the Muslims is to provoke and insult the Hindus to make them feel powerless in their own city. It is largely this repetitive, constant provocation by the Muslim community, that has made the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" bring BJP to power. Congress governments over the past decades have not only ignored the provocation by Muslim elements, but even financed many institutions which are used to shelter and breed terrorists of this type.
On March 24, 1998 a huge cache of arms, ammunition and explosives were recovered from Gandhinagar and Dariyapur locality of Ahmedabad. The weapons were supplied by Pakistan's ISI to the Muslim gangs which lived in Changez Pol and Sadar areas of Ahmedabad. The complicity of the Muslim community with the ISI's designs was confirmed when protests by Muslims followed the arrest of Latif and Razzaq Abdul Wahab gangmembers.
On October 13, 1998, a plot to assassinate Union Home Minister Shri L.K. Advani and Chief Minister Keshubhai Patel, was foiled when the Muslim culprit was caught. The culprit Abu Kasem alias Ajmal related that his orders came from Pakistan's ISI and that he had been sheltered in the home of a well known Muslim businessman of "Ahemedabad" city. The weapons and explosives for the attempt were being kept in a Mosque by another ISI agent named Bablu or Usman.
As the Kargil conflict came to an end this July, many patriotic Amdavadis wanted to express their joy and celebration at the Victory of the Indian Armed Forces. In addition the ignominious defeat of Pakistan at the hands of India and later Australia during the World Cup Cricket series,
motivated the citizens to celebrate with even more enthusiasm. Naturally nationalistic fervor was at an all time high and parades were taken out to salute the Kargil martyrs as well as to denounce the Pakistanis. Effigies of Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif were burnt as cries of "Pakistan Hai Hai" and "Bharat Mata ki Jai" rent the air. It was these celebrations that supposedly "offended and angered" the Muslims.
What could possibly be offensive about these celebrations? Any Indian who loves his/her country would add their voice to the chorus. Should the citizens of India be expected to shout slogans in support of Pakistan's Jihadis now?? Instead of joining in as any nationalistic Indian should, the Muslim community of "Ahmedabad" started throwing stones at the celebrations. Cries of hatred against "Kafir Hindustan Murdabad" and "Pakistan Zindabad" filled the air within the walled city, where Muslims predominate. It was natural for the Hindus to be outraged and infuriated at this response.
Last week as the Hindus of 'Ahmedabad" took out their annual Rath Yatra procession, they were stoned yet again by Muslims. Acid bulbs were also thrown at the women and children in the procession in order to disrupt it. It was obvious that the Muslims wanted to retaliate for the Kargil parades. As the procession wound its way through the walled city, sporadic incidences of stabbing started happening. On July 21, a Hindu visitor Nageswara Rao was stabbed in Kalupur. He died the same day. Violence then erupted in the Muslim areas within the walled city such as Kalupur, Dariapur, Shahpur, Raipur, Karanj and Shahlam where stone throwing and arson was reported. On July 24, the Muslims claimed that they had found a boy's body with stab wounds, as a result they went on a stabbing spree, killing four Hindus in cold blood.
As Police curfew was imposed, tensions increased. Hundreds of instances of stabbing, looting, arson and stone throwing were reported as irate Muslim mobs descended in hundreds upon innocent passersby. Hindus retaliated with full force. They were further infuriated by the fact that the Police began arresting the Hindus instead of the Muslim culprits who were instigating the violence. Over seven people have been killed and forty injured. Of these five of the dead and almost all the injured are Hindus.
Even as the Bharati Majlis(a Muslim Organization) and members of the Congress Party started screaming about the culpability of "Extremist Hindu elements", the Police unearthed a bomb-manufacturing unit inside a closed textile mill in the Saraspur area. As many as 90 petrol bombs, a huge quantity of raw material and empty shells of hand grenades were seized from the spot. The Saraspur Police had received information that following an attack on Jalampur-ni-chawl, Muslims were getting ready explosives which were to be used to attack Hindus.
The Muslims were using used soft drinks bottles and liquor for making the bombs. An igniting strip was to be attached to the tip of the bottle after filling it with the explosive solution.
How can the Hindu citizens of a city feel safe in such a hostile environment? They are being deprived of their right to practise their religion, culture and tradition in their own city and country. The riots have been deliberately planned to drive out the Hindu residents of "Ahmedabad" out of fear. The only beneficiaries to such a situation would be the Congress, Shankarsingh Vaghela and the Muslim elements of "Ahmedabad".
Even as cries of denouncement against the "Hindu fundamentalists" fill the air throughout the "Secular" politics and media of India, it is time for the Hindus of "Ahmedabad" and innumerable other Indian cities which have been robbed of their culture, to realize that the problem is NOT temporary. The only way to defeat these dark forces that threaten to overwhelm democracy is by ensuring that they don't come to power.
For the Hindu citizens of what was once the glorious city of Karnavati, there is only one weapon left in their defense; Their Vote.
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